Wednesday, November 29, 2017

A Thanksgiving Recap, A Royal Wedding & A Dog's Rear End

Well, folks, it was rough getting back into the swing of things after having such a long, relaxing Thanksgiving break with my family. I woke up Monday morning and drug myself out of bed with nary a positive thought about the week ahead. And I knew that like just about every other morning in the past several months when I opened my computer to read the headlines, it wouldn't be pretty. But, you know how sometimes just when you need a little lift in life, our Lord and/or our handsome and charming British prince jumps right in with something breezy and fun and just plain ol' delightful?

I'm not sure I can emphasize how much (bordering on unreasonable) joy this brings me.

And yes, I know I referred to him as "our" prince as if I sip hot tea every afternoon and speak with a sophisticated accent as opposed to guzzling Diet Coke and having an ability to drag a word out until it sounds like it's got ten extra vowels in it. I've never even been to England, but I did watch the entire first season of The Crown in about two weeks time, so I will continue to refer to this couple as "ours" without hesitation or reservation.

We need you Harry and Meghan. We will claim you both as our own. Please and thank you.

By the way, if you're wondering, no one in my immediate family seems to share my excitement about the imminent royal wedding. In fact, in an alarming discovery, it appears that my boys aren't even exactly sure who Prince Harry is.

Y'all. Fake Daughter and I CANNOT EVEN. We are already planning our outfits for the wedding day.

In other news, we had a relaxing Thanksgiving break with the whole family here. I often forget I have this app on my phone that tracks my people's whereabouts, but it sure was sweet to check it out last week.

All in all, I cooked quite a bit, I read quite a bit and we watched what was likely an unhealthy amount football on tv. I spent an enormous amount of time in my pajamas, reading Church of the Small Things and finishing watching Parks and Recreation. Reading books rather than headlines and watching Amy Poehler and Chris Pratt rather than politicians are two things for which I am immensely grateful.

We spent Thanksgiving Day with lots of family at Lake Anna. It was great having Joe all week and the weather was absolutely beautiful.

And as a side note, I determined that never has it been more clear to me that 16 year old boys who spend 6-7 days a week on a lacrosse field or basketball court are living their best lives on Thanksgiving Day. They don't worry about calories and they seemingly never get full. If you can eat an entire turkey leg by yourself, show up for six different kinds of pie an hour later and live to tell about it, then I would call that a true example of a season for which you need to give the Lord some thanks and praise.

Friday had me trying really hard to shut down the online sales that were yelling at me about how I HAD TO SHOP RIGHT NOW. RIGHT NOW OR YOU WILL HAVE FAILED YOUR FAMILY AT CHRISTMAS. Goodness, gracious, the pressure. I was particularly pleased to find this on Instagram which made me feel better.

We spent the rest of the weekend going to five different basketball games for two different kids and again, I was grateful for sports and the distraction it can bring when life gets a little worrisome and the news continues to pummel us with all the things that we humans keep messing up down here.

Which brings me to the point that I have to wrap up here because of the recent worrisome event that has occurred in my life and is now demanding my attention. Ready?

You see how cute my dog is. Just adorable, right? I never wanted a dog, remember? But I broke down and we got this precious thing a couple of years ago and I was mom of the year. And all was well. I love him and I have rallied as a dog owner. In the past month, I spent at least four days at the vet because of an eye infection and even put drops and ointment IN MY DOG'S EYEBALL twice a day for a week. I feel like a gal who has never been a dog person might deserve some kind of award for this, no?


For the past few days, he won't stop dragging his rear end along the floor, the carpet, the rug, the grass and even the sidewalk. I've tried to ignore this behavior because I had seen dogs do this before and it seemed like a fairly common occurrence and also, if I thought about it too much it made me want to throw up. Well, now this seems to be something he does a whole lot, so in a turn of events my younger self never saw coming I typed "what to do when your dog keeps dragging his bum across the floor" into the Google and it appears I need to take him to the vet again.

This is what I have to say about that. The prospect of tending to my dog's butt is A BRIDGE TOO FAR, PEOPLE. A BRIDGE WAY.TOO.FAR.

And therein lies yet another example of how the news about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle is saving my life right now. I need you, sweet Prince and lovely American future princess/duchess/whatever you'll be called. I need you to distract me from politicians and natural disasters and my dog's itchy bottom.

Now I gotta go call the vet. And when I get back I will scroll through countless pictures of the lovely couple and I will analyze Meghan's hair and read all manner of articles on what she might wear and what Kate might wear and what they will name their babies. And I will do so without shame because life is hard and sometimes downright gross.

Cheerio, Friends. Have a great Wednesday.

1 comment:

Kendra said...

I found your blog through our mutual friend Kristen. I have 4 boys (ages 3-almost 13) so I love seeing your bigger boys! I would love to hear more about how you handle electronics, phones, apps, etc. Do any of your boys struggle with controlling their time on screens? Thanks! Kendra 😘