Friday, February 7, 2020

5 Friday Favorites: February 7, 2020

It's time for my Friday link up with A Little Bit of EverythingGrace and Love, and Momfessionals

On Fridays I share things that made me happy from the week - a photo, a song, a quote or Bible verse, a beauty product, a recipe, a pair of cute shoes, etc. If it's a product, sometimes it's something I actually own and sometimes something I just saw online that gave me a smile. Sometimes it's serious and sometimes it's silly. I suppose I believe that God is in the simple details of life and yes, I can even find Him in a tube of lipstick.

Hi! It's February. It's pouring rain and grey and ugly outside. So let's start with this:

1. On the Bright Side by Melanie Shankle

One of the first blogs I ever read was The Big Mama Blog written by Melanie Shankle. She's a Texan, a mom, and a Christian, and her words often make me laugh out loud and want to meet her for queso and chips. She finds the joy and humor in just about anything and I'm here for that every day of the week, especially given the dumpster fire we find ourselves in of late. *big sigh* I've purchased every book she's written and I was quick to pre-order her newest one, On the Bright Side: Stories about Friendship, Love, and Being True to Yourself. The book doesn't officially come out until February 25th, but if you order now, you'll get it on your doorstep that day. Also, you will get the lowest price offered on Amazon by that day, no matter what day you order. I haven't read a word of it yet, but I'd bet all my money it's going to be great. Guaranteed.

2. The Shirley Temple King on Instagram

I don't know if y'all have noticed it this week, but it appears the world has lost its ever-lovin' mind. Not sure that is different from last week, but sometimes it just slaps me right in the face. Earlier this week, my phone was blowing up with messages from my husband about all manner of news events including, but not limited to, our great democracy resorting to a COIN FLIP to determine a winner of the Iowa Caucus. I thought he was kidding. He was not. *Second Big Sigh* Also, the Twitter was World War III with all the arguing about JLo's crotch and/or the State of the Union and/or Nancy Pelosi's paper shredding and/or someone making a reference to Scripture who has clearly never read Scripture. *Third Big Sigh*. This is why I bring you The Shirley Temple King on Instagram. This little munchkin reviews Shirley Temples at various restaurants. What else do you need? He's a delight machine. This is the content I am here for. Carry on, Mad, Mad World. I gotta go buy some grenadine, ginger ale, and cherries.

3. You

Okay. to be honest, I already want to take this one back and tell you not to watch this show under any circumstances. My son, who might not really love me, watched it while he was home from college over the holiday break and told me that it was really good. Now, all of the sudden, I'm hooked on this madness and I text him every other day with exclamations of panic in all caps because the main character is ten kinds of crazy. And even though he reminds me that he told me that guy was bananas, I am still lying awake at night questioning my parenting skills and also wondering if someone is stalking me and also curious about why I am kinda cheering for this freakshow. I absolutely cannot stop watching it and I'm already on Season 2. So, I'm not telling you to watch it. I'm not. But if you do, call me because I have some feelings about this one.

4. Oventure Key Rings

Lately, I can't remember why I walk into a room and I'm not sure when the last time was that I got in my car and left without having to go back in the house to get something. This is why finding my keys has become a mountain that seems practically impossible to climb. Then lo and behold I found these key rings at Living with Landyn's shop in Nashville and I haven't lost my keys since. (It's been a week, so don't hold your breath.) They can fit around your wrist, so that you don't have to dig through your massive Mary Poppins tote bag to find them while you're in the parking lot with the ten bags of groceries. And even if they're in your purse they are easy to find.

5. The Magic of 15 

I have often lamented the crap-show that is Middle School and the difficulties of 14 year olds. Although it's not a hard and fast rule, for some reason, 14 is well-known among boy moms as one of the hardest years. I actually wrote about that here when Kyle turned 14. I also saw this tweet this week which pretty much sums up how I felt about 14 around here.

Of course, all kids are different and all that stuff . . . OF COURSE. However, for those of you who are on this particular crazy train right now, I urge you to just hop on off, take a seat on a comfy bench near the tracks, grab a beverage and a book, and just wait that madness out for a year or so. In other words, we do not negotiate with terrorists.

For some reason, 15 is magic around here. For the most part, Drew at 15 is a delight. He's funny. He's affectionate. He doesn't (as often) act like I'm asking him to donate a kidney when I ask him to pick up his shoes. His friends are becoming more and more engaging and fun. I am especially loving getting to hang out with some girls around here. It is such a joy. Last night some of his basketball teammates cheered on the Girls' team and then some of the girls stuck around to cheer on the boys. My heart grew ten sizes.

Molly & Drew: buddies since they were 5 years old. *4th Big Sigh* :-)

Drew is not close to perfect and neither is a single one of his friends. But they seem to be making a turn of late. So if you're wondering when this whining, arrogant, banana-sandwich-crazy-pants nutjob that lives in your house will turn into a human being again, let me speak a word of hope over you, Sister. It happens. It really does. Hang tight.

Have a great weekend, Friends!
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Kim Taylor said...

...and then they become full fledged grown ups with careers and get married and they become some of your best friends! I love having adult children! Just wait- it gets way better!

Terra Heck said...

My kids are 26, 25, 21, 20, 19, and 17. I get along with them much, much better than I did in their "kid" stages. I've watched both seasons of YOU. Girl, it had me hooked! I'm ready to see season 3.