Friday, October 16, 2020

5 Friday Favorites: October 16, 2020

On Fridays I link up with and to share things that made me happy from the week - a photo, a song, a quote or Bible verse, a beauty product, a recipe, a pair of cute shoes, etc. If it's a product, sometimes it's something I actually own and sometimes something I just saw online that gave me a smile. Sometimes it's serious and sometimes it's silly. I suppose I believe that God is in the simple details of life and yes, I can even find Him in a tube of lipstick.

Good morning, Friends.

It was a very big week around here. There was a momentous occasion. It was both exciting and terribly frightening as most of life's challenges are. 

I put on a pair of jeans for the first time since March 13th.

It wasn't pretty and I'm not sure when the next time I will attempt this feat will happen, but as some old guy once said, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."

Here's a look at some other things I found out about this week besides the fact that somewhere in the recesses of my mind there is the vague memory of how a zipper and a button work.

 1. Happy Endings on Hulu

I think I found a new (old) show this week. I finished The Mindy Project and wanted to find another sit-com that makes me forget about real life. Happy Endings only lasted three seasons so it's possible it's going to go downhill fast, but so far I love the characters and it's making me laugh. Bonus - if you're a Mindy Project fan, we've got Peter in this one and he's a joy and a delight, as usual.

2. OPI Suzi Talks with her Hands Nail Color

My favorite nail color for Fall is OPI's I Have a Herring Problem, but sadly it is so hard to find now. I got a manicure this week and was happy to see that OPI has a new color called Suzi Talks with Her Hands. It's pretty close to Herring Problem. It's about the same color grey, but without the little specks of sparkle. It's a great color for Fall - not too dark and not too light.

3. Conair Steamer

This Friday Favorite is a household item and in a crazy turn of events which only 2020 could provide, I will have you know that it was not recommended to me by my mom or a girlfriend, but by my 19 year old college boy. I've never had a steamer before, but Kyle's roommate had one last year and he told me it was awesome and he used it all the time to steam his dress shirts. Maybe this is something most people already knew, but I was not aware. Kyle came home this week and I asked him to bring his steamer, so I could try it out and it is a joy. Right now this one is only $30.00 - $14.00 off - at Amazon. For more household tips, please consult your local frat house.

4. NeedToBreathe: Who Am I?

I have heard that the entire new NeedToBreathe album is amazing and I'm not at all surprised. This band is one of my favorite of all time. I played their new song "Who Am I" about six times in a row on my run yesterday. Gosh, I love this song so much.

5. Democracy Absolution Jeans

I'm going to need to talk about the jeans situation again because it's a big deal, okay? These Democracy Absolution Cropped Jeans are the jeans that I squeezed myself into this week. I think we could potentially label them as the "Fall 2020 Starter Jean" to ease us back into our denim-wearing for the year.  Normally, I think that it is worth it to spend more on denim because quality jeans are a gift of the Lord. These jeans are very comfortable and stretchy AND not that expensive and that's some good news for your Friday, Friends.

Y'all have a great weekend. I know I will because Texas has the week off, thereby allowing my heart to repair itself after it was ripped out of my body last week when we lost after 124 overtimes. Hook 'Em Horns. I still love you. Forever.

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