Friday, October 2, 2020

5 Friday Favorites: October 2, 2020


On Fridays I link up with and to share things that made me happy from the week - a photo, a song, a quote or Bible verse, a beauty product, a recipe, a pair of cute shoes, etc. If it's a product, sometimes it's something I actually own and sometimes something I just saw online that gave me a smile. Sometimes it's serious and sometimes it's silly. I suppose I believe that God is in the simple details of life and yes, I can even find Him in a tube of lipstick.

Hello, America! How y'all feeling about the last week of September in the year of our Lord 2020?


Here's the good news. College football still appears to be happening. Oklahoma lost to Kansas State early on Saturday. I took an unreasonable and likely sinful amount of joy in that little bit of news.

Then I was faced with the consequences of these my misdoings and I had to hold my head in my hands during the entire fourth quarter of the Texas game as my Horns were down two touchdowns with three minutes left. 

Our God is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love because we came back to force overtime and win the game.

And here we are. We made it to October. I'm sure it'll be great. No worries. Here are some of the things that stood out as reasonably positive in the crapshow of this week. Just remember that I've found that the key to this whole year is where we keep our expectations, 'kay?

Here we go!

1. Fever Pitch

This movie was on some random cable channel this week. It was certainly not an Oscar winner, but I love this movie. Also, one of my friends from college plays a real jerk in it which makes it even more fun to watch. Remember when we had movies that were sweet and romantic and didn't involve superheroes and blowing stuff up? And also, there were fans at baseball games? Good times.

2. Leopard Print Knotted Headband

I have never been a big fan of animal prints, but I do like them in small doses - a belt, a shoe, or this adorable knotted headband. I mentioned this set of headbands that my sister-in-law gave me awhile ago and I seem to be wearing one every day lately. I think this one is a subtle way to wear an animal print while avoiding a Carole Baskin situation.

3. There Was Jesus

This song is beautiful and it features Dolly Parton. What more could we need? Gosh, I love it.

4. Plaid Tops

It's Fall and that means I will go way overboard with buying all the plaid tops. I think this one with plaid sleeves is so cute. There are a bunch of different color combinations. I'm not exactly sure how I feel about the bows on the wrist though. That seems like a chips and queso disaster waiting to happen.

I bought this Plaid Tunic Popover top from Target last week and it is the perfect length to wear with leggings. I guess you could also wear it with jeans, but due to the quarantine feast I've had for the past six months, I've determined that I'm neither physically prepared, nor mentally strong enough to cross that bridge yet. As my friend Christine recently said, "I put on pair of jeans for the first time in months today and it felt like prison." No thank you.

5. Apple Cider Pork Tenderloin

I made this Apple Cider Pork Tenderloin this week. It was easy. It was pretty good. It was kind of Autumn-ish. My people ate it. Remember, we are keeping the expectations pretty low. Mix and Match Mama has lots of easy recipes that your people will probably eat. She's one of my go-tos during busy seasons.

Have a good weekend, friends!

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