Friday, November 18, 2022

5 Friday Favorites: November 18, 2022



 It's time for my Friday link up with  A Little Bit of Everything and Momfessionals

On Fridays I share things that made me happy from the week - a photo, a song, a quote, a beauty product, a recipe, a pair of cute shoes, etc. If it's a product, sometimes it's something I actually own and sometimes something I just saw online that gave me a smile. Sometimes it's serious and sometimes it's silly. I suppose I believe that God is in the simple details of life and yes, I can even find Him in a tube of lipstick.

Good morning! Y'all, it's Thanksgiving in less than a week! What the HECK?!!! I hope you have a great one with your family and friends. I'm so thankful for those of you who stop by here! Here are some favorites from the week

1. It's Not Only Football: Friday Night Lights and Beyond Podcast

Drew and I have been watching Friday Night Lights lately. He has never seen the entire series which is a failing on my part that must be remedied immediately, plus I get to watch it for the 7,000th time. Last week I stumbled on a podcast hosted by Matt Sarazen (7), Jason Street (6) and Amber from Parenthood who claims to be the biggest FNL fan of all time. She is mistaken because that would be me. They recap the episodes and talk about filming it and all the characters and actors and 7 said that he and Grandma Sarazen were really close in real life and every time they see each other they start crying and basically what I'm saying is that this is the podcast of my dreams.

2. Hoka Carbon x3 Running Shoes

I don't have these shoes. I have no idea if they would fit my foot properly. BUT PLEASE LOOK AT HOW CUTE THEY ARE. I have now participated in five classes at Orange Theory and have not died yet. In fact, I feel like someone should send me a prize because I had to take a nap after the first three, but was able to function throughout the day pretty reasonably these last two times. Thank you for your support. Because of this massive accomplishment, I would like to treat myself to new workout shoes and I think these Hokas are so cute. I hear great things about Hokas, but I've always been loyal to Nikes. Also I think that it really depends on your foot and it's super personal. I really hope these might work for me because AGAIN WILL YOU PLEASE LOOK AT HOW CUTE THEY ARE????

3. Mix & Match Mama's Pumpkin Bread Pudding with Maple Cream Sauce

I really appreciate the recipes from the Mix & Match Mama blog during the holidays because most of them are really easy. My sister-in-law makes the most amazing desserts for our holidays, but with the all the boys here all week, I'm thinking an extra one won't got to waste. I made this Pumpkin Bread Pudding many years ago and it was a hit, so it's in the plan for this week.

4. Folkulture Wooden Spoon Set

I had the same wooden spoons I got from Crate and Barrel as a wedding gift for about 25 years. Which seems like a bad idea. I bought some new ones, but when I was looking around Amazon for a hostess gift, I saw this set. You can choose from eight different handle colors. I would choose the white for myself, but these green plaid would make a fun hostess gift for the holidays.

5. Some News

Well, it appears that this little blog can come by its name honestly for a little while longer. The littlest one made a decision this week and has committed to play baseball in college at Averett University in southern Virginia. The process has been long and his mama has spent a lot of time thinking and weighing the options and hand wringing and praying about playing or not playing and asking God if this is really what He has planned for him and if so, it sure would be nice if we could see a burning bush or something, thank you very much. Mostly, the Lord kept telling me that this is his one wild and precious life and not mine, so maybe back off a smidge, Sister. It seems the Lord tells me this about my kids more and more and frankly, it's getting on my nerves. We are thrilled for him for a million reasons. 

Of course, the playing of the baseball and the fact that I get to continue to sit in the bleachers and watch him - with the bonus of not having to do the baseball laundry for a change - is pretty darn cool because I am really good at it. ;-)  But honestly, throughout this process and on the day that he finally decided the best thing has been the reactions and encouragement and cheerleading by his friends, teammates, and coaches from so many years of playing this game.  And it occurs to me that all of those people are the reason that baseball has been so incredibly important to our family. It's not about a ball and a bat and wins and losses. It never has been. People have been so kind and so excited. My phone blew up with posts and sweet texts and various celebratory emojis after he decided.

But the true blue favorite of the week in regard to this little bit of news? 

(Buckle up, Reader, because Mama's about to get real sappy. I know this is shocking) 

Being the youngest of three brothers and the baby of a family of five means that everyone in your house has an opinion on what you should do all the darn time. We all have advice and wisdom and experience that many of us - some more than others - feel compelled to share. And in the past five or so months I have watched the littlest boy become a man who is committed to deciding for himself what is most important to him. I've seen him consider all the paths available and set his determined gaze toward what he wants most. He has no hesitation, no anxiety, no trepidation in him today. He loves this sport as much or more than anyone I know and in 18 years of watching kids play, I've known more than a few who love it a whole lot.

So one of my very favorite things from this week was to see the reaction of his big brothers. They are enormously proud of the boy they've nicknamed "Smalls" and "Little D" and a lot of other names I probably shouldn't mention. Relationships among brothers are complicated. But these guys have become his biggest cheerleaders - although they probably consider themselves more coaches than cheerleaders. They texted and tweeted and posted and sent him messages so sweet they made me weep. 

So is my favorite thing from this week that Drew will have the opportunity to play baseball in college? Well, it's a close second. My favorite thing is that as many times as I thanked God over the years for the blessing that those three boys have been to their dad and me, I always prayed as much that they would be a blessing to each other. And they are. And the very best thing is that I think they are finally able to recognize it. What a beautiful, gracious gift.

Y'all have a great weekend, And a very blessed Thanksgiving.

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