Friday, February 14, 2025

5 Friday Favorites: February 14, 2025


It's time for my Friday link up with  A Little Bit of Everything and Momfessionals

On Fridays I share things that made me happy from the week - a photo, a song, a quote, a beauty product, a recipe, a pair of cute shoes, etc. If it's a product, sometimes it's something I actually own and sometimes something I just saw online that gave me a smile. Sometimes it's serious and sometimes it's silly. I suppose I believe that God is in the simple details of life and yes, I can even find Him in a tube of lipstick.

Hello and Happy/Sad Friday. We were supposed to be leaving in a few minutes to go to see Drew's second weekend of baseball for the season, but the snow and rain this week ruined our plans and the whole weekend series was canceled. Cue the sad trombones. We'll have to figure out how to spend our Valentine's Day somewhere other than a baseball field or basketball court which will be weird for us as that has been where we've spent the majority of our Valentine's days for the past twenty-ish years.

Here are some favorite things from the week that do not include snow. 

1. Dinner for Vampires by Bethany Joy Lenz

Since I'm having so much neck trouble, reading an actual book has been an issue, so I started listening to this memoir, Dinner with Vampires, by Bethany Joy Lenz on Audible. I think I was too caught up in babies, toddlers and Little League games to watch One Tree Hill which Lenz starred in from 2003-2012 so I really knew nothing about her. This book about her experience being part of a religious cult while filming that show was riveting. I was so taken by this story that I finished it in three days. Now I'm going to figure out how to watch One Tree Hill.

2. Elf Buffing Foundation Brush

I've always used a sponge to apply foundation, but my sister recommends this foundation brush and it's great. It's only $6.99.

3. Teddy Swims - Northern Lights

I'm super late to Teddy Swims, but somehow I came across this song last week and I love it so much.

4. Foxy Earrings

These adorable earrings come in silver or gold. I think they're a fun everyday stud and love the texture on them. They're only $36 and there is also a necklace for only $48.

5. Even the Stones Will Cry Out

Well, in the opening weekend for college baseball the view from behind home plate for yours truly was a banger, as the kid's say. Drew's team had a heck of a start, winning all three of their games. Steve and I are determined to travel wherever and whenever we possibly can to watch every minute we can before this ride ends. It's early yet, but the entire team has come a long way since last year and Drew, personally, had one of his best weekends at the plate ever. 

That was awesome to experience, for sure. But my favorite thing far and away is to see how my littlest boy has grown in the past year and a half. And I'm not talking about how he has grown that creepy mustache. What the heck is it with the college baseball players and their '70s stache obsession? I have found this is a "pick your battles" situation and one that I will not win especially since superstitions run rampant in baseball and if the 'staches have anything to do with the winning, they're here to stay. *sigh*

In addition to the facial hair, Drew's discipline, work ethic and leadership skills have grown so much since he left home, but the most fascinating thing to witness is to see how his faith and relationship with Jesus has grown. I suppose I find it so fascinating because his dad and I had zero to do with it. 

How could it be? ;-)

To see my children thrive when they leave home and don't have the enormous benefit of my deep and unending well of wisdom (this is sarcasm, if you  missed it)? Perhaps the word is not so much fascinating as it is humbling. It's also been rather comforting. 

Sometimes we hold so tightly to our children that we become anxious about other people coming into their sphere of influence. Whether it's a coach whose um . . . motivational technique(?) we're not real sure about, peers we think might steer them in the wrong direction, teachers and professors whose views are antithetical to our own, bosses who seem shady, or even the opinions of people they watch on Tik Tok, this fear of letting our kids see and hear and learn from the world around them is foolishness. Especially for people of faith who are told "Do not fear" more than any other command in the Bible.

Is the world full of bad influence and lies and danger? Of course it is. But it is also full of good, wise, faithful people and if we insulate our children too much, they will miss the lessons that come from both sides of that coin.

I have often counseled my children that when someone's character or actions seem sketchy, I want them to take notice. I want them to learn. I don't want to rip them out of those situations. Of course, consideration of a child's age and maturity is important, but they can learn as much from people that model the kind of human that they want to be as they can from the kind of people who show them exactly who they do not want to be.

When your kid leaves for college or, as two of mine have, find jobs and lives in new cities and new states (so rude), we find ourselves completely unfamiliar with their communities. Who are these new friends? Where are they from? Who are their parents? How were they raised? 

As I thought about how much Drew has grown and about how letting go of all of my boys in the past few years has grown my own faith, a verse from Luke 19 came to me. In this chapter, Jesus is entering Jerusalem on what we know now as Palm Sunday. There is much fanfare and shouting as He comes in on a colt. Verse 37 says that "the whole multitude of disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works they had seen". When the Pharisees admonish them and tell Jesus to "rebuke [his] disciples" for the scene they are causing, Jesus responds: "I tell you if these were silent, even the stones would cry out."

When our voices are not near and we can't whisper in their ears to remind them of their worth and their purpose? That's when we have to remember. There are stones all around our children. Our Father has put them there. If we're lucky they might be mentors, they might be coaches, they might be a Bible study group or new church or they might be one good and faithful friend. 

Or maybe not. Maybe we don't yet see our young adults finding community the way we had hoped. What we can trust and know to be true is that God's power and His presence in our children's lives are actually not all that reliant on our voices or the voices of their new friends and community. 

The verse from Luke 19:40 reminds us that if all other voices are silenced, even the stones will cry out. They will remind your child of who he is and whose he is and that assurance might just come from the very air surrounding him as he walks to class or gets on the elevator to go to his office. And in that moment he will hear the truth: "You are loved. Trust in me. Believe in me. I am real. I am here."

I am trusting the stones to speak into my children's lives. It sure does take the pressure off. Also, if I could just get one of those stones to throw a razor my kid's way and cry out, "Shave that thing, Son." that'd be a bonus.

Have a great weekend, Friends. 

Disclosure: The View From Behind Home Plate is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means to earn small fees by linking to Post might contain other affiliate links as well.

Friday, February 7, 2025

5 Friday Favorites: February 7, 2025


It's time for my Friday link up with  A Little Bit of Everything and Momfessionals

On Fridays I share things that made me happy from the week - a photo, a song, a quote, a beauty product, a recipe, a pair of cute shoes, etc. If it's a product, sometimes it's something I actually own and sometimes something I just saw online that gave me a smile. Sometimes it's serious and sometimes it's silly. I suppose I believe that God is in the simple details of life and yes, I can even find Him in a tube of lipstick.

Good morning. It's opening weekend for Drew's college baseball team so we are on our way to watch three games this weekend. February baseball is always a um, blessing? Repeat after me:

I love baseball, I love baseball, I love baseball.

I will not list this coat in my favorites for this week because I've mentioned it infinity times, but rest assured that it will definitely be the MVP of opening weekend. Here are some OTHER favorites from the week.

1.  All the Colors of the Dark by Chris Whitaker

You guys. Friends. People. Readers. All y'all. LISTEN TO ME. This book. OH MY GOODNESS. Might be one of my favorites ever. Seriously. That's all I have to say. 

2. The Lioness

Steve and I blew through two seasons of this show recently. The acting is phenomenal. Zoe Saldana is the coolest and also stunningly beautiful even with cuts and bruises all over her face. Just FYI, the subject matter is intense. Total 180 from last week's TV suggestion, The Man on the Inside

3. Really Sweet and Sentimental Valentine's Gifts for Your Sons

I got these candles for my boys for Valentine's Day. Not sure if they ever actually read this blog, but if you're reading, Joe, Kyle and/or Drew: SURPRISE! I'm not kidding. It's true. I would punch anyone for you.

4. Squeaker of the House by OPI

I got a manicure and pedicure last week and this is the polish I chose. It's a greyish-brown and I love it.

5. On Cutting to the Chase with Jesus

Last week in my Wednesday Bible Study which is my favorite hour of the entire week, we contemplated why many of us are hesitant to be fully honest with God in our prayers. I personally have said more prayers than I can count where I'm basically beating around the bush rather than asking God for exactly and specifically what I want. I was rather stunned to find that in a room of about twenty people, most who have been following Jesus for decades upon decades, I was not the only one.

Isn't that the thing? The lie we tell ourselves, among others? Turns out that we are very rarely - if ever - the only one.

We discussed this tendency to hem and haw around as we pray to the Almighty (and all-knowing, btw) God. 

Seems to be a pattern. My Wednesday friends and I chatter for an hour and half and then I come here and try to work out all of our thoughts. We threw out a few reasons we struggle with this in our prayer life - all of them legitimate to a degree and some I think are certainly Biblical. 

1) We are very aware that "Thy will be done" is a huge part of the first prayer many of us recited by heart. We know this is the "right" way to pray. And it's true. I try very hard to ask God to line up my wants with His will. I don't think this is wrong, but I also think we can hide behind this in an attempt to be "good" Christians. If we are seeking a deep relationship with Jesus, I think that requires us to be honest and vulnerable.

2) We are consumed by guilt and shame that we are asking for anything at all when we have been given so much. Personally, I find this to be my most significant battle when praying. I know there are others with more serious concerns. I might even priortize my prayers - laying out my case so that He is sure to understand that I have a very clear perspective on suffering. 

I battle this nonsense all the time, despite the fact that for years and years the main theme of most of my writing has been that God sees, loves, knows and cares for each of His children - none more significant to Him than the next. One of the first pieces I ever wrote that was read by eyes other than mine encouraged us to remember that when we do that we box God in and limit His power. He is big enough to handle every last request, every sin, every confession, every need. I don't serve a God who is too overwhelmed with requests to hear mine. 

3) Some of us admitted we might "ask around" our true request. If we are sick or in pain, rather than ask for a miracle, we'll ask for wisdom to take the next step, for the skill of our doctors, and for peace and understanding when the struggle or pain remains. None of these prayers are wrong, of course. But we wondered why we won't go all the way in? "HEY, JESUS? PLEASE HEAL ME."

4) We are afraid the answer to our request might be "no" which could result in all manner of crises to our faith. Will the "no" indicate that the God I was certain was good, is not? Will it mean that I am not worthy enough to be blessed with my request? Will it mean that He has rejected me for any number of reasons including that my faith was not strong enough? And the worst of the worst - the thing we dare not whisper - does it mean He is not even there and I have been praying to nothing but the air, my words once spoken, evaporating into an empty void?

I don't have, and on this side of heaven, never will have a full handle on these questions. Which is why I am so grateful to my group of wise and kind and very often confused believers who gather together every week to hash it all out. Sometimes we leave our Wednesday morning with clarity, sometimes with more questions, but almost every time, we leave feeling less alone in a world full of uncertainty.

But more than even this, I am grateful to Scripture which over and over tells us to lay our burdens down at the feet of the One who understands our suffering, who has borne our sin on His shoulders and who will never turn His ear away from a single word we utter. 

Let us then approach God's throne with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace in our time of need. - Hebrews 4:16

In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence - Ephesians 3:12

And this is the confidence that we have toward him that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us - 1 John 5:14

And from The Message which always cuts to the chase:

If you don't know what you're doing, pray to the Father. He loves to help. You'll get His help and won't be condescended to when you ask for it. Ask boldly, believingly, without a second thought. People who "worry their prayers" are like wind-whipped waves. Don't think you're going to get anything from the Master that way, adrift at sea, keeping all your options open.- James - 1:5-8

Oh and our very own Jesus did say "Not My will, but Yours be done, Lord." But He started with, "Take this cup from me." Pretty bold, yes?

Go ahead and spit it out, Friends. He'll listen.

Have a blessed weekend.

Disclosure: The View From Behind Home Plate is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means to earn small fees by linking to Post might contain other affiliate links as well.

Friday, January 31, 2025

5 Friday Favorites: January 31, 2025


It's time for my Friday link up with  A Little Bit of Everything and Momfessionals

On Fridays I share things that made me happy from the week - a photo, a song, a quote, a beauty product, a recipe, a pair of cute shoes, etc. If it's a product, sometimes it's something I actually own and sometimes something I just saw online that gave me a smile. Sometimes it's serious and sometimes it's silly. I suppose I believe that God is in the simple details of life and yes, I can even find Him in a tube of lipstick.

Hello! It's the last day of January. Thank you, Sweet Jesus! I'm back to this space after a few weeks away. Last week, Steve and I got back from beautiful, sunny northern California to frigidly cold, snow-covered and 14 degree northern Virginia which made me get off the plane pretty much like this:

This week we've been sweating in the high 40s so it's all fine now. In any event, we had a great time being with my sister and brother-in-law to celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary and both my sister's and my birthdays which fall in the same week of January. Northern California is absolutely beautiful. We visited Half Moon Bay, Sonoma, Healdsburg, Pebble Beach, Santa Cruz and stayed a lot of nights at my sister's house in Los Gatos. There was a lot of laughing and that's of course, my favorite.

Here are some of my favorite things from the last couple of weeks.

1. A Man on the Inside on Netflix

This show is DELIGHTFUL. Ted Danson is a national treasure and the number of times I put my hand on my heart, let out a deep sigh and tried not to cry while watching this was infinity times. If you are walking through a season of trying to care for your aging parents with as much love and respect and obedience as you can while you seek to keep them safe, healthy and happy (or even if you are no where near that stage), you will adore this show. 5 STARS.

2. Vuori Restore Half Zip Hoodie

My sister, Jill, and I both received this hoodie for our birthdays last week. Well, truth be told, she received it from her husband and then I went and bought it for myself and "received" it from my husband without him actually knowing it. I'm not sure I can adequately express my undying love for the Vuori brand. 

Actually, apparently I can. Yesterday Jill texted me asking, "Do you know how many times you've texted me about your Vuoris this week?" Then she proceeded to send me a screenshot of all the texts. I present an "Ode to Vuori":

She was making fun of me, but I do have a text from her that says, "If I had to give up every single thing in my closet to keep my Vuori's I would."

3. The Journey Ring Set 

Park Lane Jewelry released a new collection a couple of weeks ago and this Journey ring set is a winner. So cute to wear all three on your pointer or middle finger or divide them up among your fingers if you like to wear multiple rings.

4. In My Sweater Vest Era

Seems like we're seeing vests - especially sweater vests - everywhere lately. I picked up on some cute ones worn by Kristen Bell in Nobody Wants This and by Christa Miller who plays Liz on Shrinking. There are a bunch of options out there. I like this striped one with a button down or long sleeve tee under it for winter and on it's own when it gets warmer.

5. On Wintering

Winter is rough for a lot of people. Historically, I have not handled the season well. And this one is no different. I still have significant neck and shoulder pain (many, many thanks for all the recommendations from y'all, by the way. I got so many sweet and informative messages and comments.) Because of this and the anxiety that comes from my fear that it will never end, I feel like 2025 has been off to a pretty depressing start.

Please insert your eye roll here because I did get to go on a week long vacation to California where the sun was bright pretty much every day and regular people have actual citrus trees growing in their yards. I recognize how ungrateful and selfish I sound. I have nevet claimed to be otherwise. The Lord and I are working on this every single morning. 

Anyway, in the middle of this winter darkness, I realized that a podcast I listen to often - Annie F. Down's That Sounds Fun podcast - was doing a series on the seasons. I quickly pushed play on the first in the series titled "How Do I Define Winter in my Life?" with Pastor Mike Kelsey from McLean Bible Church. Pastor Kelsey quotes a book by Parker Palmer called Let Your Life Speak:

"The master metaphor of our era does not come from agriculture. It comes from manufacturing. We do not believe that we grow our lives. We believe that we make them. We live in a culture that insists against all evidence that we can make whatever life we want, whenever we want it. Deeper still we run headlong into our own egos which want desperately to believe that we are always in charge." 

I have always intentionally tried to fight against the literal winter season to no avail. I cannot stop the temperature from dropping. I cannot stop the plans from being canceled. I cannot walk outside without a coat and boots and gloves and a hat even though I despise putting all that crap on. 

And what I have found is that not only am I failing miserably at fighting against the literal winter season, I'm also failing at managing the physical pain I'm experiencing as well as the emotional and spiritual "winter" that it has brought along with it. I've tried to deny and ignore it. I've tried to power through it by cranking up worship songs and reciting Scripture and praying for others - those who I imagine need Him more than me. There are many, it's true. When I've actually acknowledged it, I've let my mind go ALL THE WAY into a downward spiral: I'll never be able to work out again. I'll become a person that is impossible to be around because I'll be in pain constantly. I won't be able to pick up my grandchildren one day. I won't be able to type at my laptop ever again and I'll have to stop writing. Am I dying? Is this the beginning of an awful terminal disease? 

Those are fun times as you can imagine. 

What I haven't done much at all is to sit down in the quiet and in the pain and shut up and listen for God. 

Pastor Mike Kelsey says it like this: 

"Understanding how seasons operate in nature and in our spiritual lives helps us remember that we can do a lot, but ultimately we are not the ones that are in control. Embracing the season that you're in is really submitting to God and is really positioning you to receive what God wants for you in that season.

When you realize that you are not in control and you respond to that not with anxiety, but with submission, faith, and belief that God has something for you in this season, you can embrace the wholeness of what God has for you instead of resisting it and resenting it."

Tomorrow is February 1. We are moving forward, closer and closer to Spring. I am praying that I will not simply fight against the winter, but instead lay the anxiety down and take my mind off the speed train to despair. I will feel the pain of this physical, emotional and spirtual winter - and I will boldly ask for healing, but I won't stop there. I will ask God to speak. I will trust that this season will not be wasted and furthermore I will remember that it won't last forever. I will believe that He has something for me in the here and now. 

He has something in this season for you, too. Let's not miss it by fussing and fretting and managing and spiraling. Let's open our hearts and minds to what it might be. Because maybe it's something good. His ways have always been and will always, always be better than we could every ask or imagine. Happy Wintering, Friends.

Have a great weekend.

Disclosure: The View From Behind Home Plate is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means to earn small fees by linking to Post might contain other affiliate links as well/

Friday, January 10, 2025

5 Friday Favorites: January 10, 2025


It's time for my Friday link up with  A Little Bit of Everything and Momfessionals

On Fridays I share things that made me happy from the week - a photo, a song, a quote, a beauty product, a recipe, a pair of cute shoes, etc. If it's a product, sometimes it's something I actually own and sometimes something I just saw online that gave me a smile. Sometimes it's serious and sometimes it's silly. I suppose I believe that God is in the simple details of life and yes, I can even find Him in a tube of lipstick.

Good morning and Happy 2025! I hope everyone has had a great start to the new year. Mine started with a range of emotions that can only be described as . . .hmmm . . . shall we say, ABUNDANT? Which emotions did I feel on the 1st of January in the year of our Lord, 2025? 

If presented with this chart, I only could have eliminated "bored" from the feelings I felt on New Year's Day. That's it. I would have given my left arm for a moment of boredom, to be honest.

This is because the Skinners (minus Kyle) road tripped to Atlanta for the quarterfinals of the College Play-offs where it was assumed that the mighty Longhorns would beat the Arizona State Sun Devils by at least 12 points. You know what assuming does, right?

It makes you long for a horse tranquilizer to get you through a football game. 

Long story short: Texas scored two touchdowns in their first three plays of the game. It appeared that it was going be smooth sailing for the day.

But then Cam Skataboo, the Arizona State running back who is some kind of superhuman, decided to take the wheel of that particular ship. He simply refused to give up. Also, our kicker, bless his heart, had some major issues trying to get the ball in between the uprights which caused me all manner of despair.

It got down to the point that there was a 4th and 13 "do or die" situation for my beloved Longhorns which appeared to be leaning heavily on the "die" side of that equation, but our own superhuman quarterback, Quinn Ewers, who has ice in his veins (and a rock solid faith in his Lord and Savior, by the way) remained completely calm and full of confidence, delivering the most perfect pass to keep us in the game.

Then there was double overtime and I lost and found my mind about 17 different times.

Finally, our guy intercepted the football to seal a victory for Texas and at that exact moment Drew Skinner and I basically pulled off this move in Section 129C, row 21 of Mercedes Benz Stadium.

It was a start to the year like no other. 

We play Ohio State tonight and there is not one college football expert that thinks we'll win because Ohio State looks like an NFL team right now and I'm terrified of them. But that's why no one recruited me to play college athletics. (Well, that and my complete lack of talent in any sport.) I don't know much, but I do know the boys on the Texas Longhorns aren't scared of anything. We'll see how it goes. Your prayers for my emotional health and that Drew and I might recreate our "Had the Time of My Life" moment yet again are much appreciated.

Shall we get to other favorites from the week? Here we go:

1. Martha Stewart Documentary

The Martha Stewart documentary on Netflix is very interesting. The woman is a force. I have a feeling if I tried to do anything in the presence of this woman I'd start crying because she scares me to death, but goodness is she impressive.

2. Judy Blue Mid Rise Wide Leg Jeans

For months, I had been looking everywhere for a wide-leg, casual jean with a mid rise. This proved to be a very long journey, but I think I found a unicorn in the Judy Blue Mid Rise Cell Phone Pocket Dad Jean. Is that a lot of words for a pair of jeans? Yes, it is. However, I'm a fan. They have lots of stretch and a great medium wash. Might be worth a try if you want to have at least one pair of jeans that aren't skinny jeans and also have a waistband that doesn't come all the way up to your bra strap.

3. Trader Joe's Cinnamon Roll Blondie Bars

I'm not sure you can still get these at Trader Joe's because they are probably seasonal, but if you can, I would stock up. These were a huge hit with my people during Christmas. 

4. Osea Body Oil

Another Friday Favorites shout out for this Osea Body Oil magic. We've had terribly cold weather and snow this week and my skin is so dry it hurts. This body oil is awesome. It absorbs quickly and doesn't leave you feeling sticky. I love it.

5. Life is Beautiful (except when it's not)

This week I was reading again about how everyone on the internet shows only the good stuff - a highlight reel, filtered and curated to show that we're all living our best life. This is obvious, but also easy to forget. Rest assured, that sometimes determining five favorites from the week is not an easy task. Because I have a real life. One where I often feel insecure and excluded, tired and purposeless, overwhelmed, anxious and woefully inadequate. And sometimes just real sad. This is why in many weeks the only favorite I can come up with is a $6 lip gloss. 

The main purpose of most of my writing over the past 15 years has been to continue to point myself and any reader who stops by to Jesus whether it's through intentionally and painstakingly trying to recognize the smallest joy or relaying evidence of the most stunning miracle. When we truly believe that God is interested in the smallest details of our lives, it's easier to seek and find Him when the biggest struggles show up. 

Anyway, in the past couple of months, among all the celebrating and family fun and travel and favorite things, I've felt all of the ups and downs of being a human person, plus some significant physical pain that I ignored for a long time. This is not where I tell you I have a debilitating disease. It's basic and boring, but such a bummer. I have really jacked up my neck and shoulders. My neck has bothered me for a long time, but it was manageable pain that recently took a turn for the worse. I can't seem to sit at my desk to write for long periods and working out has been a struggle. 

Pain makes you irritable, frustrated, anxious and a real drag to live with. Steve and I celebrated our 30th anniversary on Tuesday (favorite), but the pain was causing me to be nauseous and dizzy and unable to be a person that anyone would want to be married to for three decades (not a favorite - also not the end of the world, but we are really testing out that "in sickness and in health" portion of the vows.) I've tried shorter stints of writing at my laptop and skipping workouts which makes me an insane person, toning down my workouts which makes me less insane but very annoyed, Aleve and Advil, heating pads and hot showers, cervical pillows and stiff drinks, chiropractic treatments and crying. This week, I went to two doctors and I'm praying that the plan we have will work. 

Boy, are we rambling in 2025 or what?

Well, I can't get myself to stop the rambling there. I'm itching to mention that as much as it is frustrating to see a fake life full of rainbows and unicorns, filtered photos and flawless families on the internet, I also have a real distaste for those who use the internet to whine, complain and point out the brokenness of the world at every turn. It reeks of virtue signaling and attention-seeking as much as anything else does. 

Perhaps that's why there is a mute button on social media that I should employ? And even more, that's why God gave us a big wide world out there beyond the little device we hold in our hands.


In conclusion (Thank you, Jesus, right?) if you are still here and have any tried and true remedies for neck/shoulder/back pain, your girl is open to suggestions. 

No matter what you are facing in your perfectly, imperfect life, this is the verse I've been hanging on to this week:
"The Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still." - Exodus 14:14

I'm really bad at being still, but I'll try.

Have a blessed weekend, friends, and thanks for stopping by. Hook Em Horns. 

Disclosure: The View From Behind Home Plate is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means to earn small fees by linking to Post might contain other affiliate links as well/

Friday, December 27, 2024

5 Friday Favorites: December 27, 2024


It's time for my Friday link up with  A Little Bit of Everything and Momfessionals

On Fridays I share things that made me happy from the week - a photo, a song, a quote, a beauty product, a recipe, a pair of cute shoes, etc. If it's a product, sometimes it's something I actually own and sometimes something I just saw online that gave me a smile. Sometimes it's serious and sometimes it's silly. I suppose I believe that God is in the simple details of life and yes, I can even find Him in a tube of lipstick.

Hi! Hope y'all had the best Christmas and are enjoying some down time with your people. This is going to be really quick because I gotta go make more food and watch more movies and pretend to be absolutely horrified by the inappropriate humor of 20 something year old boys instead of completely delighted by it. Here are some favorite things from the week.

1. A Fine Sight to See

A really great book on leadership which takes you through the book of Exodus. Sophie Hudson is hilarious and wise. 

2. Aerie Waffle Knit  

The perfect top for the week between Christmas and New Year's Day.

3. Lobe Wonders

I've mentioned these before, but they are a must-have for me. Even if you don't wear heavy earrings these little sticker patches are awesome for keeping studs and hoops in place and preventing drag on your ears.

4. Aloha Beach Bag

I went to a Favorite Things party a few weeks ago and one of the gals gifted this Aloha beach bag. There are tons of different patterns and they're 20% off today. 

5. One Photo from the Week 

There was a record low this year in the picture-taking department. I just didn't take many at all - not a single one of the entire family or even all three boys at once. So here's one and it's a pretty good representation of our week. Last year we had lost my mom in March and then my uncle in December. I got back from Texas just a few days before Christmas and we didn't even decorate our tree. I wanted to cancel the whole thing. This year the Lord has redeemed so much hurt. Grief will never end, but in Luke 6:21 Jesus says, "Blessed are you who weep, for you shall laugh." And He was right. He made sure of it when He gifted me these fools. They are healing me. 

Have a lovely weekend. Thanks for stopping by in 2024. I'm hoping to make some updates to this space in 2025. After 12 years, it's about time. I'm a real go-getter, don't ya think? ;-) I hope you'll keep reading! Happy New Year and as usual, HOOK EM HORNS. 

Disclosure: The View From Behind Home Plate is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means to earn small fees by linking to Post might contain other affiliate links as well/

Friday, December 20, 2024

5 Friday Favorites: December 20, 2024


It's time for my Friday link up with  A Little Bit of Everything and Momfessionals

On Fridays I share things that made me happy from the week - a photo, a song, a quote, a beauty product, a recipe, a pair of cute shoes, etc. If it's a product, sometimes it's something I actually own and sometimes something I just saw online that gave me a smile. Sometimes it's serious and sometimes it's silly. I suppose I believe that God is in the simple details of life and yes, I can even find Him in a tube of lipstick.

Hello, how we doing? It's all fine. Five more days. We gotta get after it, so here are some favorite things from the week that do not include the low level panic that set in when I realized that we had already run out of the Trader Joe's Cedar Balsam hand soap before Christmas Day had even arrived. It occurs to me that the fact that I've decided that we desperately need our hands to smell like a forest in order to adequately celebrate the coming of the Savior of the world means we have made a wrong turn somewhere. Lord have mercy on us. We're a bunch of weirdos. 

1. Pink Cocktail Shaker Set 

I think this is the cutest cocktail shaker and champagne flute set and would make a great hostess gift for whoever is hosting Christmas Eve or a New Year's party. You could even look ahead to February and gift it to your Gal-entine. 

2. Coaster Set

Another cute hostess gift. Seems like I'm ready to party.

3. This Sweater Vest Again

I mentioned this sweater vest a few weeks ago, but I'm mentioning it again because I got it in last week. I got the burnt orange (which Amazon mistakenly calls Gold Flame) and it's the PERFECT Texas Longhorn color if you're a fan of the best school in the land. Really good quality and fit. I'm ordering another in a different color because it's so good and there is a 15% off coupon right now. 

4. A Song and a Movie for This Week

This song, Born in Me is one of the most beautiful songs I have ever heard. It's sung from the perspective of Mary after the Anunciation. I highly recommend taking some time to listen if the chaos is getting to you or perhaps you/ve lost your mind over a lack of pine-scented hand soap.

This week I watched the movie, Mary, on Netflix. The writers take quite a bit of artistic license, but in my estimation it was an interesting and well done interpretation of Mary's story. Nothing offended me or made me think that they were taking such massive leaps with the Biblical content that it took away from the message of Mary's obedience and faithfulness. Having said that, if you're someone who is going to get spun out by that type of thing, just be warned there are parts of this you are absolutely not going to find in Scripture. I thought it was absolutely beautiful and highly recommend it.

5. A Sermon on Luke 1:26-38

Obviously, this week, I'm thinking a lot about Mary. Here's a message I delivered a few years ago at Aldie Methodist Church on the Anunciation and Mary's courageous, obedient response.

That's it for today. We went from Cocktail Shakers to the Blessed Mother to this:

Hook Em Horns. 

We're nothing if not a mixed bag around here.

Happy Weekend and have a blessed Christmas.

Disclosure: The View From Behind Home Plate is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means to earn small fees by linking to Post might contain other affiliate links as well/

Friday, December 13, 2024

5 Friday Favorites: December 13, 2024


It's time for my Friday link up with  A Little Bit of Everything and Momfessionals

On Fridays I share things that made me happy from the week - a photo, a song, a quote, a beauty product, a recipe, a pair of cute shoes, etc. If it's a product, sometimes it's something I actually own and sometimes something I just saw online that gave me a smile. Sometimes it's serious and sometimes it's silly. I suppose I believe that God is in the simple details of life and yes, I can even find Him in a tube of lipstick.

Good morning! Happy Friday! I hate to break it to you, but we got less than two weeks until Christmas. So let's go. We gotta get after it. Here are my favorite things from this week.

1. The Wedding People

I've seen this book mentioned by so many people, so I started it this week. I usually wait until I finish a book to mention it here, but I'm loving this one. It starts out with some heavy stuff, but turns into a sweet, funny, charming story about a suicidal woman finding her voice and her worth through meeting a bunch of strangers at a wedding she was never meant to attend. Really great read.

 2. Blake Brown All in Wonder Leave in Potion

I have mentioned many times that my hair and I have not been getting along for the past five or so years. Our relationship has become very complicated and it's been a struggle. My friend Lindsay suggested this new product from Blake Lively's haircare line on Facebook so I snapped it up at Target the very next day. I've used it a few times and I promise you I've had at least four compliments from people about my hair. What the heck? I love this stuff. It helps with frizz and fly aways and makes your hair shiny.

3. Notched Collar Blazer

I love the notched collar and the cinched waist on this blazer. It comes in several different shades. I personally probably wouldn't wear it with denim shorts and thigh high boots, but if this is your particular blazer journey, go for it. 

4. Another Cute Amazon Set

This set is on my niece's wishlist and it is darling. Check out the link because there are numerous options including this colorblock top and another set with fun piping on the sleeves and legs. Adorable.

5. Lead Me On - Chandler Moore


I heard this song yesterday and it reminded me of all the 20something kiddos I know who are trying to make hard decisions. And there are so many of them out in the big, wide world that I love. More than the three I birthed. I suppose that's what happens when you plant your family in one place for 25 years and set out to find the people you're going to do life with. All of the roots Steve and the boys and I planted here got all mixed up with all the roots of the other families that God plopped down in the same place as us.

It's a beautiful thing to watch kids you've known since they were 7 years old or 3 years old or even newborn grow up and move on and try to find their way. Seems like everytime I get together with friends we go around the table giving updates on each and every kid. But for the kids themselves, the beauty and the joy of this time can get lost. Because there's a heck of a lot of fear that can swoop in to overshadow the excitement of a wide open world of possibilities. 

We adults sometimes forget that most of us felt exactly the same way back then. I mean spending a Friday night drinking Zimas with the girls while we listened to our new Madonna CD and headed out the door in our blazers with massive shoulder pads was pretty freakin' cool, to be sure. But the rest of it? Terrifying.

Anyway, these kids/adults have been on my heart this week. If you know one of them, maybe this song will be a blessing to them. I truly believe if you're trusting Jesus to the very best of your ability (which, I admit, can be brutally difficult) you're going in the right direction. Sure it might seem like He's taking the long way when you're certain there had to have been a faster, smoother route. It might seem like He chose way too many bumpy, rough, dark roads. It might seem like everyone else you know found their way to a wide-open, smooth highway. But if we truly believe that He'll be there to turn us right or left or all the way around, then we just gotta keep on moving. Because He's going to use every difficult step to make us into the people He means for us to be. 

It might seem crazy, but I really believe there is no wrong turn when you're walking with Jesus. There are just detours. And those detours can SUCK. It might seem like He led you one way and then ditched you. But I think He's still there working in ways we can't understand - probably weren't meant to understand. 

Don't take it from me. Take it straight from Him:

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future."

Lookie, there, kids. It's right there in black and white. Jeremiah 29:11.

Have a blessed weekend. And Happy "Take a Breath" Saturday to most of the college football fans in the land. It's gonna be SO CHILL, man.

Disclosure: The View From Behind Home Plate is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means to earn small fees by linking to Post might contain other affiliate links as well/