Friday, September 20, 2019

5 Friday Favorites: September 20, 2019.

Happy Friday, Friends. 

It's time for my Friday link up with A Little Bit of EverythingGrace and Love, and Momfessionals

On Fridays I share things that made me happy from the week - a photo, a song, a quote, a beauty product, a recipe, a pair of cute shoes, etc. If it's a product, sometimes it's something I actually own and sometimes something I just saw online that gave me a smile. Sometimes it's serious and sometimes it's silly. I suppose I believe that God is in the simple details of life and yes, I can even find Him in a tube of lipstick.

1. Armchair Expert with Dax Shepherd
Episode 131: Tal Ben-Shahar

I have mentioned this podcast more than once and there is honestly not a single episode from which I don't learn something. This episode with Tal Ben-Shahar, an American and Israeli professor and author, is a really compelling look at positive psychology, happiness, the escalating depression and anxiety problems in our country and building resilience. I loved this episode because it gave specific examples of how positive people utilize physical exercise, connections with friends and family, and other practical actions to increase their feelings of well-being. Tal Ben-Shahar promotes a committed focus to studying the habits of those who profess a positive well-being as much as the study of those who suffer depression and anxiety. This wasn't a bunch of self-help, "get up and go" gibberish. It was a very thoughtful discussion. Also, as I always do, I'll warn you that Dax is not afraid of foul language. Just be warned. 

2. American Wife by Curtis Sittenfeld

Here's the thing about my reading life in the past few weeks. I am reading a book right now that I do not like. (not American Wife) I don't like the characters. I can't find any redeeming qualities in them. I'm bored by their antics and I do not care about their welfare. So the question is, "Why don't you just quit reading it because life is short and books are plentiful?"

The answer is "I can't." I have always felt that if a book is in my hands I need to read it and finish it no matter what. I can't skim. I can't look at the end. Honestly, I think I've quit a book once or twice in my entire life. Does anyone else do this? I don't know why I have burdened myself with this arbitrary rule.

Anyway, I'm halfway through this book I don't like so I will prevail. 

Okay. Fine.

It's City of Girls by Elizabeth Gilbert and a ton of people raved about it this summer and I don't like it, so there. #sorrynotsorry.

Anyway, this week instead of that book that is about to kill me, I want to recommend one of my very favorite books ever that I don't think I've ever mentioned. It is an old one, but I was reminded of it recently when I stumbled on a tweet from the author, Curtis Sittenfeld. If you never read American Wife, I'm so jealous of you because I loved it so much and I think you will, too. Go get it. I can say with almost 100% certainty that you will not feel like getting through it is a test of your faith and your will to live. 

3. Let it Rain by Crowder

I heard this song first thing in the morning yesterday when I was rushing around in my car trying to get all the things done and it made me very, very happy. That's all I have to say about it. Listen. Be happy. Done.

4. Tula Cooling & Brightening Eye Balm

My focus on skincare and anti-aging potions has reached new levels of commitment which if directed in more benevolent pursuits could potentially bring about significant benefits for all of humanity.

Alas, your girl's vanity genetics run deep. If one grows up with a mom that tells her to "just put on a little lipstick and you'll feel better", she might just come by the whole thing pretty honestly.

Anyway, I had not heard of Tula Skincare until I started following an Instagram account and website called Paleo Running Momma when I was doing the Whole30 program a couple of years ago. She mainly posts paleo recipes, but also talks about skincare. She has mentioned this Glow & Get it Cooling & Brightening Eye Balm on her Instagram stories. Well, her skin is positively glowing and even though my brain tells me that was very likely the result of a filter, my heart and my puffy dark eye circles tell me, "WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! ADD. TO. CART. NOW."

So I did. I received the balm on Wednesday, so I've only used it a few days. I really like it so far. It does kind of give your face a little highlighting glow. It slides on smoothly and seems like it wakes up your eyes a little.  The directions say  to apply it under make up and then throughout the day for an "instant pick me up". I realized pretty quickly that I'm not sure the average person needs as many "pick me ups" as I do in a day, so I might need a Costco size. We'll see.

5. Honor Flight

I have mentioned Honor Flight before. Unfortunately, those of us who live in the DC area don't often take advantage of the opportunities that arise here. Of course, there are the monuments and historical sites, but one of the best parts of living in such close proximity to Dulles and Reagan airports really is the opportunity to participate in Honor Flights. This is an organzation that flies veterans into DC to take tours of the city and monuments. They ask that volunteers show up at the airport to greet them with cheering, signs, and welcoming celebration. It is the MOST fun and it literally was an hour and 15 minutes out of our day. You can find out how to volunteer here and if you don't live in DC you can find out if there is an Honor Flight returning to your city's airport and greet the vets as they come home.

Have a great weekend!

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