Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Back to School & Back to Baseball: 7 Baseball-Themed Books for your 7th Inning Stretch

We are officially well into the month of September which for NVTBL families means back to school as well as back to baseball's fall season. In between hitting the books, we'll be hitting the practices, the Sunday double-headers, and the out of town tournaments. That's why today at NVTBL we're celebrating the joy of books and of baseball by recommending some great reads for you to enjoy while you're hanging out in the bleachers for what seems like the 17th inning.

The subject of baseball is abundant in literature. The many ways life relates to this game seems to be a universally accepted truth whether one has played it or watched it or not. I think that's why there are countless volumes of books either focused on baseball or set adjacent to it.

One of my dear friends, who is a fellow baseball mom and life long fan of the Boston Red Sox, has a ritual which I've long admired. Each spring as Opening Day rolls around she chooses a book to read that centers around the game. So I reached out for a little help from her with this post. I have read some of these books and some I have not.

Also, I want to be sure you moms and dads know that you should have no guilt about sitting at your kid's baseball game with a book in your lap. Baseball parents are champion multi-taskers. We can put sunscreen on a toddler with one hand and pull his fingers out of the chain link fence with the other while simultaneously yelling out, "Good stop, Kid." to the catcher. We can lob a Gatorade into the dugout whilst yelling "Heads Up!" to the unsuspecting grandma who is about to get smacked with a foul ball.


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