Wednesday, October 30, 2019

What's Up Wednesday: October 2019 Edition: Subtitled: WE'VE GOT A GAME 7!

1. What We're Eating This Week

I had to send Kyle some of his sweatshirts this week since the weather is turning colder in Tennessee and I happened on these Reese's Peanut Butter dipped pretzels that I thought I'd send to him for a little Halloween treat. I also happened to open the bag and try one or six before I threw them in the box.
Dear Reese's: I don't know where you find the kind of genius people that created this magical snack food, but you need to give them a raise immediately.

2. What I'm Reminiscing About

My trick or treaters in 2008.

3. What I'm Loving

I mentioned this Tula Glow & Get it Cooling and Brightening Eye Balm a few weeks ago on Friday Favorites. I've been using it since and I really do love it. It gives your skin a little glow and makes you look refreshed and like you've had more sleep than you actually have. Perfect for you when stay up watching a World Series that goes all the way to Game 7.

4. What We've Been Up To
Getty Images

Watching the World Series. Every single pitch. It's exhausting. I'm so tired I want to cry, but the Nationals have given us a Game 7 and I'm delighted beyond all measure. Baseball owns me. Truly. I love it with my whole entire heart. I had to watch almost the entire game through my fingers with my hands covering my face. Anthony Rendon hitting a two run homer after a call by the umps that made me want to bash my tv in with a baseball bat is just the kind of beauty that baseball fans dream of. And Stepehn Strasburg pitched like some kind of magical unicorn. And Trea Turner looks like he's 15 and I want to make him a grilled cheese sandwich. I love this team so much. Oh my word, I cannot get enough of it.

5. What I'm Dreading

I don't think I'm dreading anything. I sat here for a few minutes wondering what I might could/should be dreading. And that is possibly the stupidest waste of time I can imagine. Let us carry on, friends. Hard pass on #5.

6. What I'm Working On

I'll be doing a short little talk on prayer and spiritual disciplines along with some other women at my church for our Fall Women's Retreat so I've been working on that. If you are local, we sure would love to have you! It's November 8th and 9th and we are calling it a "Flex" retreat because if you check out the schedule and register online HERE, you can attend any or all of the sessions. I would love to see you. You can email me at with any questions.

7. What I'm Excited About

I'm excited about how cool it is to watch my son follow his dreams. This weekend he was able to call the Penn State vs. Michigan State game in East Lansing, MI. He flew there on an airplane and wore a tie and looked like an actual grown up person that might be employed at a job someday. It's fascinating and inspiring to watch. Joe is not close to perfect and mom -bragging is shameful and embarrassing, but I just cannot help it. I had nothing whatsoever to do with this kid's work ethic because I tend toward running away from challenges and eating chips and queso when things get hard. He runs straight in. It's so weird. I don't even get it.

PS If you're a person in the sports broadcasting industry that would like to hire this kid in about a year and a half, I will invite you over for chips and queso and I'll even throw in a bag of UNOPENED Reese's Peanut Butter Dipped Pretzels. What more could you want?

8. What I'm Watching

Steve and I have been watching Yellowstone. It took me a few episodes to get into it because it's pretty heavy - not a lot of laughs and a whole lot of family dysfunction. But I'm a sucker for Kevin Costner and also for cowboys. This show has both.

And also the World Series.

9. What I'm Reading

I'm still reading The Dearly Beloved. It's been slow-going, but I don't blame that on the book. It's great. I blame it on the Washington Nationals being in the World Series and cutting into my reading time. If they win it'll all be worth it.

10. What I'm Listening To

I've mentioned The Bible Binge before and I continue to be a huge fan of this podcast. Season 7's theme is Weird Stuff God Made People Do including Balaam and the talking donkey (super creepy) and also that time Abraham was supposed to sacrifice his own kid (what the heck, man?). It's always hilarious. educational, and really helpful for those of us who are left scratching our heads in confusion at some of the stories in the Bible. I highly recommend this podcast, but YOU MUST HAVE A SENSE OF HUMOR. If you don't, I'm so sorry. Please try to find one because you will be missing out. Jamie and Knox give very thoughtful wrap-ups at the end of the podcast and I'm learning quite a lot from them.

11. What I'm Wearing

I've been wearing these capri joggers from Amazon an embarrassing number of times per week. They have sold out in my size in a bunch of the colors, so everyday I check my email waiting for my alert that they are back in stock so I can get one or two more pair. This is my life now. . . a life spent waiting for $18.00 jogger pants to come back in stock. How long, O Lord?

12. What I'm Doing This Weekend

We've got a four day weekend with some teacher workdays so we hope to take some boys to Lake Anna for part of the time. The lake is one of my favorite places to be when the leaves change, so I am looking forward to hanging out in the above joggers, reading, and watching college football. Although when we add in the boys, that means I'll be dodging some airsoft gun wars, putting together s'mores, and yelling, "It's supposed to be TOUCH football, guys! NO TARGETING!!!'

13. What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month

This little peanut turns 15 which is the dumbest thing I've ever heard in my entire life. What in the world? Also, I cannot wait for my college boys to come home for Thanksgiving. I didn't know how hard it would be to have two of the guys away from home. I am counting the days.

14. What Else is New

If you haven't heard, the Washington Nationals are playing in Game 7 of the World Series tonight. That's real new.

Also, to go along with our Pastor's sermon series on Heaven, I have a devotional today published at on John 14:1-3. You can check it out here.

Have a great Wednesday and LET'S GO NATS!!!

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1 comment:

Thankful for Grace said...

Hi, I'm visiting from What's Up Wednesday. It's nice to meet you.

We are Red Sox fans in our house, but since they had a crummy season and didn't even make the playoffs, we had to root elsewhere, and the Nats got our support. How interesting that every game of the series was won by the "away" team.

I hear ya on "what in the world?" My "baby" turns 28 in November. How have nearly 3 decades gone by in about 5 years?

Patti @ This Beautiful Life