Friday, February 14, 2020

5 Friday Favorites: February 14, 2020

It's time for my Friday link up with A Little Bit of EverythingGrace and Love, and Momfessionals

On Fridays I share things that made me happy from the week - a photo, a song, a quote or Bible verse, a beauty product, a recipe, a pair of cute shoes, etc. If it's a product, sometimes it's something I actually own and sometimes something I just saw online that gave me a smile. Sometimes it's serious and sometimes it's silly. I suppose I believe that God is in the simple details of life and yes, I can even find Him in a tube of lipstick.

1. Shoes I Don't Need

Will you please just look at how these Nikes have a tortoise swoosh??? What??? I cannot buy these because I don't need them at all and it's so annoying when paying for college education is deemed more worthy than buying cute shoes. GAAHHH. However, maybe you, dear reader, have found yourself with a flourishing money tree in your backyard and maybe you also really need a new pair of running shoes? Or perhaps you're just someone who doesn't have a swoosh that matches your tortoise shell sunglasses. That would be so sad. Go get these.

2. Dr. Death Podcast

I drove to Knoxville this week to spend a few days with College Boy #2 which meant I was in the car for 7 hours each way. Thank goodness for podcasts which make road trips so much more fun. Dr. Death came out a few years ago and people have been talking about it ever since. It is about a neurosurgeon in Dallas who completely botches surgery after surgery, even paralyzing and killing numerous patients. The failure of Dallas area hospitals and the Texas Medical Board to stop this guy from practicing is unbelievable and infuriating. I listened to the entire six episode series which means that anyone who happened to be driving by me on I-81 and glanced in my car would have seen this:

So, if you are facing surgery anytime soon I highly recommend that you do not listen to this. After I mentioned You on Netflix last week and now this, I think next week I might recommend that we all binge watch Mr. Roger's Neighborhood.

3. Scarf Hair Ties

I know a lot of Americans are worried about the direction in which our country is headed and I would like to add the return of the scrunchie to the long list of things that are going horribly wrong. However, I am seeing these scarf hair ties around. They're more of a scrunchie with some class and I think they're really cute. I got the one above from Anthropologie for exactly $3.92 during a sale so I feel like I should be in the Guiness book of World Records for finding the least expensive item at Anthro in the history of time. Sadly, that one is gone now. Although they're not on sale, Anthropologie does have this cute set right now. I also saw lots of options on Amazon. I think they'd make a fun gift for a daughter or girlfriend.
PS Anthropologie is having  50% off sale items today. Maybe you could join me in the Guiness Book of World Records. Godspeed.

4. Anne Bogel's Valentine's Day RomCom/Book List

Anne Bogel tells us all about the best books to read at her blog, Modern Mrs. Darcy. This week she has a post listing the best romantic comedies and corresponding books that follow along similar themes. This is a great resource to have to decide what to watch/read on this Valentine's Weekend or any weekend for that matter. It sure does make me miss the days when every single movie at the theater wasn't about blowing up an asteroid or superheroes. (Insert Old Lady Incessantly Talking About the Good Ol' Days.)

5. A Visit with My Boy

Winter is hard for a lot of people. Especially me. I also think that no matter how great your kid might have adjusted to being away from home at school, this might be just about the best time to get a visit from Mom . . .both for your heart and the kid's. It is my experience that a kid might not admit it, but when you know you know, am I right? 

I think we are all walking the line when we let our kids go. As much as we read about landing the helicopter and backing off, sometimes we just need to look them directly in the eyes and Face Time ain't gonna cut it. (Also, I look like death on Face Time. It doesn't help my Winter Mood AT ALL.)

I understand that I am lucky that my schedule and the age of my kiddo at home allowed me to leave and drive the 7 hours to Knoxville for a few days and I know that some people aren't able to do that. But, if at all possible, for those of you who have a college kid, I highly recommend it if you can make it work. It might look different for you, but for us it looked like sharing popcorn and watching a basketball game. It looked like walking the aisles at the grocery store at 10:00 pm and loading him up on snacks for his dorm room. It looked like taking him out for an enormous steak and talking about big things and little things and laughing a whole lot. It looked like me sharing only 1 of the 4 Bible verses I wanted to share with him and dialing it down on the Coach Eric Taylor quotes so that I ended up listening as much as I talked. It looked like sitting in my hotel bed watching Netflix on my Ipad while he typed away at the desk writing an English paper. (And I did not once look over his shoulder to try to help him. Please, acknowledge how difficult this was for me. I need praise and congratulations. Thank you.)

In conclusion, this stage of parenting is wonderful and scary and fun and difficult and there seem to be so many opinions out there on how you're doing it wrong or right. Just listen to your kid and listen to you heart.Your heart and his will thank you for it. 

Next up: I'm coming for you State College. I already have 3 of my 4 Bible verses picked out for Boy #1. See you soon. :-)

Happy Weekend, Friends!

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Just Jess said...

I was just chatting with my Mom about how every movie these days is an action or horror film. No cute rom-coms. Sigh.

Kim Taylor said...

Did not realize you have a Penn State kid! My favorite college of all time- hands down. We Are! I love State college and everything about Penn State!

Jenn said...

Yes, Kim! I sure do! He's a junior at Penn State and he loves it! WE ARE!!!

Sherri said...

Your writing always makes my face and heart smile. Thank you for sharing. ��❤️

Terra Heck said...

Dr. Death sounds interesting. So glad you got to visit your boy. My 20 yoa son lives and works in TN, a 10-hour drive. I plan on visiting within the next few months. It's quite an adjustment to him living so close to now only talking to him on the phone.