Friday, February 5, 2021

5 Friday Favorites: February 5, 2021


It's time for my Friday link up with A Little Bit of Everything and Momfessionals

On Fridays I share things that made me happy from the week - a photo, a song, a quote, a beauty product, a recipe, a pair of cute shoes, etc. If it's a product, sometimes it's something I actually own and sometimes something I just saw online that gave me a smile. Sometimes it's serious and sometimes it's silly. I suppose I believe that God is in the simple details of life and yes, I can even find Him
 in a tube of lipstick.

Hello! We made it to February! Yay! Valentine's Day! As if my Valentine and I haven't spent enough quality time together. I asked him this morning, "Is this the year we start seeing other people? Like, any other people? Can we see other humans ever again?"

Oh, I kid. It's fine. Here's some favorite stuff from the week.

1. Hair stuff

I've been super worked up about my hair for the past year and a half because it seems like it's changed a ton lately and not in a good way. It's dry and dull and thin. It's basically falling out and I'm freaking out.


Yikes. I know. It's a problem. 

Hello there, pre-menopause. I'm not sure you were aware that you were absolutely not invited to the pandemic stress I'm already managing. 

Anyway, I've been trying all kinds of things to keep my hair healthy and on my head which seems like a good goal. I had heard this R&Co Dallas Biotin Thickening Shampoo and Conditioner recommended by various internet people (i.e. podcasters, beauty bloggers, Instagram stories, etc.), so I thought I'd give it a try. It is way more money than I'm used to spending on shampoo and conditioner, but so far I really, really am noticing a difference in the volume of my hair. And you know for a Texan, volume is crucial. 

I recently ordered these Hair Gummy Vitamins from Amazon. They were less expensive than the ones that I've seen at Ulta and seem to have the same ingredients. I'm popping a couple of these a day and praying because you know it's true that the higher the hair the closer to God.

I had ordered this Vital Proteins Collagen powder after hearing that it was really good for you a few years ago. Then I ran out and forgot about it for awhile. With my newfound obsession with saving my hair by throwing all the money I have at it, I decided to order some more of this. I am adding it to my coffee everyday. (A note: if you are someone who uses this and see yourself being in it for the long-haul,  you can choose "subscribe and save" on Amazon and get 10% off the first delivery and then 15% off future deliveries.)

Basically in 2021, I'm channeling Dolly Parton, both in hair and in attitude.

2. Beach Read Book

I finished Nine Perfect Strangers by Liane Moriarty last week and it was good, but also, weird. I just started Beach Read by Emily Henry this week which I've seen on a lot of "Best Of 2020" lists. It's a romantic, fluffy, fun read so far. I haven't read a romance novel in a long time though, so I do find myself cringing a little. Still, I think cringing about cheesy sweetness might be exactly the kind of cringing I'm looking for in 2021.

3. Your Honor on Showtime

Speaking of romantic and fluffy, remember how last week I was saying that I watched Broadchurch and wanted our next show to be sweet and happy? Yea, that didn't happen. Just look at Bryan Cranston's face in the photo. Not happy. Not sweet. We started Your Honor on Showtime. It's interesting, scary, dramatic, and murder-y. Dear Happy Days, where can I find you?

4. Valentine's Day Stuff

I'm generally not one to wear "theme" holiday tees, but maybe I'm changing my tune in 2021 because I feel like we need to celebrate any little thing, any way we can. Also, I'm a sucker for a baseball tee. This Love Baseball tee is so cute. It comes in red, green, or black sleeves, and it might be just the thing to send to a daughter away at college or in your house or just to make your very own Valentine's Day a happy one. Especially if you and your Valentine have plans to watch the 8th episode of the 2nd season of a very romantic murder/narcotics/mafia/corruption series to celebrate.

This is a really cute sweatshirt from Milk and Honey Tees. It also comes in a short sleeve light pink tee.

I've been looking everywhere online for Valentine's pajama pants to send to my college boys. These and these from Wal-Mart are the only ones I've found that I like online. I was surprised that Gap, Old Navy, and Target didn't really have any great options. Maybe I'd have better luck in the store. I plan to head to Target today to buy one thing and then all the things I didn't know I needed, so maybe I'll get lucky there.

5. El Arroyo Paint Can Candles

El Arroyo is not only my favorite restaurant in Austin, it is also one of my favorite Instagram accounts. Their daily marquee sayings are hilarious and just recently they released a line of candles with some of the best ones. A candle and laughing sounds like a good plan for your Friday, right?

I hope you have a great weekend, Friends! 

Also, a PS before you go: 
I want to reiterate what I say at the beginning of every 5 Friday Favorites post and that is that often I share things that I think look cute or that I've ordered, but not tried yet. So, I cannot always vouch for the quality. For example, last week I ordered this tunic top after I shared it. When I got it, I didn't like the apricot color (I thought it looked more beige/taupe online, but it was legitimately orangey/apricoty) and the fabric was too transparent for my taste. Perhaps a darker color would be better, but I'm not positive. So . . . just remember, I see lots of things and share lots of things that make me happy or look like something I would like each week. I'm not always going to purchase and test everything. I will try to come back and tell you if something I shared and then ordered was not great, but I can't promise to always remember to do that because I'm old and I can't remember a lot of things. Ok. Thank you for listening. Carry on with your February Pandemic Fun!

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