Friday, June 4, 2021

5 Friday Favorites: June 4, 2021


It's time for my Friday link up with A Little Bit of Everything and Momfessionals

On Fridays I share things that made me happy from the week - a photo, a song, a quote, a beauty product, a recipe, a pair of cute shoes, etc. If it's a product, sometimes it's something I actually own and sometimes something I just saw online that gave me a smile. Sometimes it's serious and sometimes it's silly. I suppose I believe that God is in the simple details of life and yes, I can even find Him
 in a tube of lipstick.

Oh my goodness, it's June! And life continues to feel more and more normal everyday. I know some folks are finding it hard to re-enter, but I am having zero anxiety about it. Bring me all your crowds and full restaurants and high-fives and hugs. I'm here for all of it. Here are some of my other favorite things from the week.

1. New Girl

I didn't watch this show when it came out, but I started it this week and I love it.  Zoey Deschanel's character is a quirky little weirdo and she's a delight machine. If you need to watch something that makes you laugh and isn't going to make your brain hurt, this is a really good choice. 

2. JCrew Linen Drawstring Pants

I tried on some of my shorts from last summer this week. I'm not sure that I can be in a relationship with shorts any longer. We had some fun together, but maybe some things aren't meant to last forever. I don't know. I haven't given up yet, but we might have to do some counseling or something because shorts seem to make me really sad lately. Anyway . . . I got these cute summer linen/cotton drawstring pants from JCrew Factory for 50% off. They come in a few patterns and a lot of  solids as well. We're getting along great. 

3. Other Non-Shorts Summer Style Options

I also think that maybe the summer of the year of our Lord 2021 might be the one that I wear more dresses than anything else. I might be going for a Mrs. Roper-style because gosh darn it if that woman wanted another glass of chardonnay at the Regal Beagle she had plenty of room for it. She was on to something.

This maxi dress keeps popping up in my Instagram feed and it looks so cute and comfortable. It has pockets and comes in a bunch of different patterns. The only issue with it is that I'm not sure I ever want to wear a strapless bra again in this lifetime. I just don't have energy for it.

You know Mrs. Roper didn't waste her time with strapless bras.

I find that just about every strapless bra I buy actually identifies as a belt and refuses to deny its true self. So, I'm thinking about this dress which is the same pattern as the one above and is fine with just a regular bra. It also comes in lots of great solids.

4. The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah 

To be honest, The Four Winds was not my favorite Kristin Hannah book. I am not one to skim very often when reading a novel, but I did skim through quite a bit of this one. The story of a Texas family setting out for California during the Great Depression is compelling, but the book could have been half as long. I included it in my favorites because whenever I finish any book at all, I feel like a champion. ;-) In all seriousness, no matter what book I read, I always learn something I never knew before and this was no exception.

5. Baseball Again

Shall we talk about baseball some more? Please, let's.

Last week one of my favorite things on the 5 Friday Favorites was baseball - more specifically celebrating the achievements of baseball players - even more specifically the success of your teammates. I suppose I should just copy and paste last week's words right here. However, as usual, your girl has more thoughts.

I had a rough Tuesday. Nothing specific, but just one of those days where everything seemed a little heavy. I was worrying about the results of a medical test for someone I love. I was missing my middle son who stayed in Knoxville this summer because he went all responsible on me and got himself a full time internship, so I couldn't call him whenever I wanted during the day. My husband was back from dropping off my oldest son to start his job in Maine. I know that's exciting and wonderful, but I was all in my feelings about it, worrying that all the happiness and success he's had so far might fall right apart. Because who says that everything will work out like it has so far? Who knows if they'll make good choices? Or make new friends? Who knows when the other shoe will drop? (Yes, by all means, send me all your therapists' phone numbers.) Anyway, I was sad. And worried. And as is my way, I was letting change stress me out.

Enter baseball. 

Baseball is routine. I've watched this game closely for over 18 years. I understand how it works. There are exactly a certain number of innings unless you go to extras because for goodness sakes, this is America and we sure as heck will not end in a tie. There is no time limit. The batter gets at least three chances to hit the ball. Three outs to end the inning. See the ball. Hit the ball. Catch the ball. Throw the ball. Run the bases. 

We had a baseball game Tuesday night. I counted down the minutes until it was time to leave. I knew I would sit in my seat about midway up the bleachers - just low enough to keep a good eye on my catcher and high enough that the black bar on the fence didn't impede my view of the batter. I knew I would see the same friends and fans. I knew the line-up would be announced and I knew we'd face the flag and sing the National Anthem. I knew I would drink my diet Coke and I knew that in those few hours, I would let every single worry fall away as I concentrated on the pitch, the swing, the catch.

And it was routine. And normal. And predictable. And calming.

Until it wasn't.

Down two runs. Two men on. Two outs and two strikes on our #19. And he launched the baseball to the wall. Two guys score to tie it up and our #19 heads for home. 

A walk-off inside the park homerun at this level of baseball is not routine or predictable or normal. But it sure is a heckuva a lot of fun. And it sure does erase the burdens in a gal's heart at least for a few minutes and replaces them with the purest bliss.

Thank you, Freedom Eagles, for digging in and never giving up. Thank you #19 for hitting a walk-off homerun. Thank you to the two hitters that got on base before him. Thank you to the pitchers for keeping us in it. Thank you to the fielders for making the plays you needed to make. Thank you to the mom who captured this epic ending. (A mom, who, by the way, was a mom from the opposing team who was gracious enough to share these photos with our #19's mom. Y'all. The kindness to do that after your team had that kind of disappointment? People are good.)

Thank you, boys, for giving us a moment for the ages. And quite a moment for Mr. Heat Miser's hair, if I do say so myself.

I'll say it again: SWEET MERCY, I love baseball . . . and baseball players.

Have a blessed weekend, Friends.

*Photo Credit: A sweet mom I do not know.

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1 comment:

Joanne said...

I am having zero anxiety re-entering as well! I am just loving it. Four Winds was definitely not my favorite Hannah novel but I too learned a lot about that era of our nation's history.