Friday, May 26, 2023

1 Friday Favorite: What's Saving My Life Right Now

 It's time for my Friday link up with  A Little Bit of Everything and Momfessionals

On Fridays I share things that made me happy from the week - a photo, a song, a quote, a beauty product, a recipe, a pair of cute shoes, etc. If it's a product, sometimes it's something I actually own and sometimes something I just saw online that gave me a smile. Sometimes it's serious and sometimes it's silly. I suppose I believe that God is in the simple details of life and yes, I can even find Him in a tube of lipstick.

There's a lot to choose for Friday Favorites this week. I found a lipstick at Ulta that I used to wear years ago that I forgot about and you would have thought I won the lottery I was so excited. We went to watch Joe get his Masters in Charlotte two weeks ago and to Knoxville for Kyle's graduation last week and I'm so proud I could bust. Now we've got a grad party to plan for Drew and his graduation next week and baseball playoffs. So this is what I'm thinking today. The to-do list is so long that writing about five favorites is a bridge too far. I'll have time next week to talk about all of it. For now, something I wrote late one night earlier this week. Just one favorite. You're going to be totally thrown for a loop at what it is. ;-) 

What's Saving My Life Right Now

This is the thing about women. And moms. And May. Or maybe it's men, dads, and May, as well. We all have stuff to do. We all have big responsibilities and they just seem to stack up one after the other after the other after the other in May. And sometimes we are feeling the weight of responsibilities that are not necessarily our own to carry. And I do think, this is more of a woman thing, in general.

I also think this is a particular aspect of being in the "middle place" - sandwiched between elderly parents and children who are almost, but not quite adults. And I think it's a particular aspect of marriages that are long lasting and tested by all the things. I think this is a particular aspect of long term friendships that are going through seasons where we are all so flippin' busy with all of the above, but trying desperately to stay connected to each other. 

So the thing? The thing about life lately in the stage in which I find myself? It's a lot. It's probably too much. But most of us in this stage can't seem to find - and aren't sure we are even allowed to find - a way out from under it all. Because even though we've all heard it a million times and we know that "everything's going to work out fine."? The truth is someone has to work that stuff out. Am I right?

We are called to bear one another's burdens. And it's incredibly overwhelming at times. This trying to be a good wife, mom, friend, daughter and sister means bearing the burdens of others even when weighed down by our own. Is this codependency or just the cost of being a human being who loves a whole lot of people? I suppose it's a fine line. The clear answer is to give it all to Jesus. I know this. I'm not great at it. 

A side note: There is not a person on the planet who doesn't have a lot of stuff happening and a bunch who don't get a medal for any of it, so don't cry for me Argentina. I'm not looking for an "'Atta girl, hang in there." I'm just thinking out loud here (typing out loud?) only because I'm getting to something and I know you'll be shocked to know that it's  . . .drumroll please . . .


Because after all the madness, then comes baseball. After all the grief, then comes baseball. After all the worry, then comes baseball. My truest, most reliable, most steady friend. 

I crave the bleachers these days. I count the hours and then the minutes until I can place my foldable seat in the exact same spot. Up and slightly left of Jorie. Down and slightly left of Katherine. Exactly left of Heather. Rose and Sara P. down in front. One down or up from Sara C., Soo and Michelle - either spot seems lucky enough at this point. We will reposition if need be. And frankly, no where near my husband. It's better this way. ;-) 

Baseball, as I've said before, is simple. It's routine. It asks nothing of me. It doesn't need me to send a writing assignment on a deadline. It doesn't need me to interpret a verse. It doesn't need a meal cooked or a sock laundered or a form filled out. It doesn't need a listening ear. I am solely focused on each player. On each pitch. On each run scored. Or maybe every now and then I can focus on some idle gossip which is exactly none of my business. This is just an extra bonus. ;-)

And even better? Not only is baseball not expecting anything from me, I'm not expecting a darn thing of myself when I'm at a game. I don't have to have the right words of advice to make everything better. I don't have to write the best sentence. I don't have to pray the best prayer. I don't have to run a faster mile. The only thing I have to do is watch. Well, that and potentially change seats if things start going wrong for the team because superstitions run rampant at the ballpark. 

Baseball has delighted me. It has thrilled me. It has made me nervous and taken my breath out of my body and yes, it has made me sad at times. But the best thing about baseball lately, despite the fact that I've determined that certain pieces of clothing are cursed and certain positions in the stands are luckier than others, is that it requires zero effort from me. It is like the best friend who sits next to you and let's you be exactly who you need to be with no judgment and no questions and still loves you unconditionally and invites you back to the next game.

On Jen Hatmaker's podcast she asks a question first posed by Episcopal priest, Barbara Brown Taylor. The answer to the question doesn't necessarily need to be too heavy or deep. I think it's meant to help you be mindful of the present and find gratitude in your circumstances. The question is "What is saving your life right now?"

 As I sat in the bleachers this week, I had a very clear answer to the question and it's not surprising, of course. I certainly have answered that question this way many times over the years. But it has never been more true than it is today. Baseball is saving my life right now. I'm incredibly grateful.

Have a great weekend.

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