Friday, May 10, 2024

5 Friday Favorites: May 10, 2024

It's time for my Friday link up with  A Little Bit of Everything and Momfessionals

On Fridays I share things that made me happy from the week - a photo, a song, a quote, a beauty product, a recipe, a pair of cute shoes, etc. If it's a product, sometimes it's something I actually own and sometimes something I just saw online that gave me a smile. Sometimes it's serious and sometimes it's silly. I suppose I believe that God is in the simple details of life and yes, I can even find Him in a tube of lipstick.

Hello and happy Friday! I had a busy week of lots of writing. I am so honored to be the guest speaker at Aldie United Methodist Church this weekend on Mother's Day. I was unsure about taking on the task of speaking on only the 2nd Mother's Day since my mom died, but I have felt my mother's urging to get on with it. More accurately, it would sound like this, "Jennifer Lynne, take a deep breath, count to 10 and then put on some lipstick and pull it together." I guess this opportunity is part of her plan. So I'll be spending the day with my head in this laptop and in my Bible. 

I hope all of the moms and children and grandmothers and those who mother people around them no matter who gave them birth have a lovely weekend. And to those of you who have lost your mom, I see you. I still feel unanchored and wobbly in a world without her. Maybe you do, too. The only thing I know to do is to make my way - to sprint or crawl - however I can get there - to stand upon the Rock. It's what she did. It's what she taught me to do. 

When my heart is weak, 

I cry out to you from the very ends of the earth.

Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.

-Psalms 61:2

Here are some favorites from this week.

1. Spare by Prince Harry

I was way behind on finishing The Crown, but I just finished it over the weekend. Once we got to the lives of Diana and her boys, it really made me so sad. Like most people my age, even if we weren't really into the Royal Family, the shock of Diana's death and the brutality of watching those boys walk behind her casket, are events we will never forget. I know there are lots of opinions about Harry and Meghan, Charles, Diana, Camilla, William and Kate, and the monoarchy itself. Also, there are plenty of people who wonder why anyone would even take the time to form an opinion. Still, I find the humans behind the fairy tale (or horror story) of the Royals compelling, so I am listening to this book on Audible. The overwhelming feeling I have had listening to this autobiography is just plain ol' utter sadness.

2. Monogrammed Coffee Cups

Anthropologie is having a 30% off sale on certain items today. These monogrammed coffee cups are so pretty and only $9.80 today.

3. Apparently, I'm in my Vest Era

I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that I had purchased this vest. Later I went back and got this shorter version in navy. I wore it with white flare jeans last week while I was in Texas and I really liked how it fit. It was comfortable and not fussy which is completely my jam.

Here is me wearing it with my friends Sara and Mindy. I know you can't see it well. This is why I am not a fashion influencer. Also, I actually just wanted an excuse to show you how comfortable and unfussy we were in my hometown last week.

4. Bark Thins Dark Chocolate Pretzel & Sea Salt

I picked up a bag of this magic a couple of weeks ago. And now, Houston, we have a problem.

5. A Prayer for Mother's Day

As part of my sermon for Sunday, I wrote a prayer for Mother's Day. No matter what emotions your day will bring, I hope it blesses you in some way.

Lord as we come to you this morning, we bring You our hearts.

On this Mother’s Day, some of us come to You with happy hearts, hearts that have been loved well and cherished by our mothers.

Some of us come to You with grateful hearts that have experienced the gift of loving and caring for our own sons and daughters.

Some of us come with hearts full of regret because we weren’t able to be the mothers to our children that we had planned to be.

Some of us come to You with bruised hearts, hearts that have been hurt by mothers who didn’t or simply couldn’t care for us in the ways we’d longed for.

Some of us come to You with grieving hearts because we walk this world without our mothers now and we feel so very unanchored and lost.

Some of us come with hearts full of disappointment and longing because we haven't become mothers the way we expected to. 

And some of us come to You with shattered hearts because we mothered the most precious of children and had to return them to You and our arms feel heavy with emptiness.

We bring You our hearts today. Lord. We ask you to fill them up with Your love, Your peace, Your grace, Your forgiveness and Your healing. Amen.

I hope you all have a blessed weekend, Friends.

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Anonymous said...

That's a beautiful prayer Jen!

Kim Carberry said...

I hope it goes well on Sunday. It sounds like your mom was a wise woman. Sending love and hugs.
It really is sad about the whole Royal Family and how things turned out with Diana and her boys.
That vest looks great on you.

Karen Stone said...

I don’t always remember to check in on your Friday blogs. I did today and I’m glad. I miss your mom too;she was a gift. Thank you for reminding me. Love you, Karen