Friday, January 27, 2023

5 Friday Favorites: January 714th or so, 2023


 It's time for my Friday link up with  A Little Bit of Everything and Momfessionals

On Fridays I share things that made me happy from the week - a photo, a song, a quote, a beauty product, a recipe, a pair of cute shoes, etc. If it's a product, sometimes it's something I actually own and sometimes something I just saw online that gave me a smile. Sometimes it's serious and sometimes it's silly. I suppose I believe that God is in the simple details of life and yes, I can even find Him in a tube of lipstick.

Y'all. It's so cliche, but it's so true. January lasts forever.

Goodness gracious this month is long and grey and lame. We even mixed in a few birthdays and an anniversary and still, it's such a slog. 

Anyways, we keep trying to make January fun. We're going to Knoxville this weekend which makes me feel like this:

This photo which makes me look like I have had ten cups of coffee and/or have done a lot of cocaine is from a couple of years ago when we were leaving to visit Kyle. I sent it to him that morning. (Let's be clear that he did not reply back with the level of excitement that I was anticipating.) 

I love Knoxville, Tennessee. It has become one of my favorite places to be. But Knoxville might not love me this weekend because the #10 Texas Longhorns Men's Basketball team is going to be in town to take on the #4 Tennessee Volunteers and your girl will not be wearing that hat nor will she be wearing that shirt. She'll be representing her school in enemy territory and will come correct with her burnt orange. She will try with all her might not to act like this:


It's unbecoming for a woman of my age and stature. Who am I kidding? I have no stature. Still, I'm going to try to behave, but I can't promise.

Here are some other things that I loved this week. They will all pale in comparison to a big ol' Longhorn victory tomorrow though.

1. Gucci L'Obscura Lengthening Mascara

Ok. Is this mascara bougie? Yes. Do I think anyone in her right mind should be spending $36 on a tube of mascara? Not necessarily. Am I encouraging you to buy a mascara by fancy pants designer? Not exactly. But I received this mascara as a gift. And IT IS MAGIC. 

My sister-in-law, Kathy, gave it to me for my birthday. She said she was talking to a gal at Sephora who called herself a "mascara guru" and she recommended it. Let's all take a moment to recognize what a magnificent gift-giver Kathy is. She reads this blog and she knows me and even though it's possible that she secretly thinks this is a weird and meaningless (i.e. shallow) quest, she knows that one of the greatest journeys of my life is the journey to find an ideal mascara. Eureka. We have found it.

2. Loft Valentine's PJs


 I don't have these heart pj pants and top, but they sure are cute. This might make a sweet gift for someone who needs a lift from the winter blahs. Each piece is 40% off with the code LOVE.

3. Bagsmart Toiletry Kit

I know I've mentioned this travel toiletry kit more than once. Maybe more than twice. But I can't tell you how excited I get when I start packing for a trip when I remember that I now have this for all my stuff. It's the BEST. I used to have a dumb bag with no compartments that I threw everything in. I truly felt like Mary Poppins sticking my head into the depths of it every time I needed to find my eyeshadow brush. This bag is a total game changer. I love it.

4. A Perfect White Button Down

The perfect white button down shirt can be as elusive as the perfect mascara. I think this might be it though. This button down from Amazon is fitted without being too constricting. It has plenty of stretch so that it's really comfortable, but keeps it's shape. The shirt comes in other colors and patterns as well. 

5. On Burdens*

"How's your prayer life?" Seems like a "church-people" question and it is. Also, I think it's one that comes up a lot at the beginning of a new year. Over the years there have been more seasons than not when my prayer life has a bunch of qualifiers in it. When I pray about things that are weighing on me, worrying me, scaring me - burdening me. if you will, I tend to do a lot of extra explanation before I can get to the truth of what I really want to come to Him with. 

You know, I just need to make sure He knows how grateful I am for my life. You know, in case He stepped away for a minute from His all-knowing, sovereign-over-the-entire-Universe throne, I need Him to know that I'm a good little Christian girl who recognizes that I've had it really good. That I know that some of my fears are minor compared to a lot of other's prayers. That I know I'm probably being a real big whiner, so if you didn't hear me, Lord, remember that I did mention all the cancer and abused children and poverty and mental illness and the Ukraine and loneliness and all that other stuff. 

This week I was playing this game with God again. And it's funny because I've delivered messages in churches before about this very thing more than once. And this verse from Matthew 11:28 popped into my head. (Hey there, Holy Spirit. How you doin'?)

"Come to me all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest."

Interestingly, I looked at numerous Biblical translations of this verse and not one of them has an asterisk next to burdened*. Not one. There is no footnote listing events, emotions, circumstances, or worries that Jesus is willing to take from us. He doesn't qualify one as more important than the other. He doesn't have a priority list or a SPAM folder. He certainly has some clear directives for us to follow, but I haven't found a single Scripture that warns us to be aware that when we come to Him, we might get a "Nope, get outta here with that."

The funny thing is that I have preached on this in actual sermons in church before and I still can't seem to get a handle on it. I think having perspective is really important. I think recognizing our blessings and coming to God with our gratitude is really important. And I truly believe that we need to be mindful when sharing burdens with other humans in our life. We need to be aware that others might not have the capacity to hold space for us during certain seasons due to the crosses they are bearing. But God's capacity is not limited. And the way I think I have to explain myself before I come to Him has become a burden all on its own.

I don't know if this is just me or if someone out there might struggle with this, too. At the end of the day, I think it is about a full surrender to God. It's about coming as we are. It's about being honest - not because He doesn't already know what I am struggling with, but because it's important for me to acknowledge it with Him. At some point, I've gotta stop the qualifiers and just spit it all out, lay all of it at His feet, and say "Here I am, Lord. This is me. I'm so, so, so tired. Please take this burden - whether it is an enormous, life or death fear or something that I'll look back at one day and laugh at the idea that I gave it even a second of a thought. Please, You take this and I'll take You."

It's a much easier prayer to pray. Your coffee may still even be hot by the end of it.

Have a blessed weekend, friends. I hope you rest.

 Disclosure: The View From Behind Home Plate is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means to earn small fees by linking to Post might contain other affiliate links as well. 

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