Friday, March 10, 2023

5 Friday Favorites: March 10, 2023

 It's time for my Friday link up with  A Little Bit of Everything and Momfessionals

On Fridays I share things that made me happy from the week - a photo, a song, a quote, a beauty product, a recipe, a pair of cute shoes, etc. If it's a product, sometimes it's something I actually own and sometimes something I just saw online that gave me a smile. Sometimes it's serious and sometimes it's silly. I suppose I believe that God is in the simple details of life and yes, I can even find Him in a tube of lipstick.

1. Shrinking

Joe mentioned this show to me. He's pretty much my TV Guide. It's about a therapist (Jason Segal) who is grieving the loss of his wife and how he changes the way he connects with his patients. Harrison Ford is his mentor and he's great. My favorite character is Jason Segal's neighbor, Liz, who is a mom of three grown boys who seems like maybe she's struggling with the transition to her empty home and might be just a little too involved in trying to make everything okay for Jason's character and his daughter. Maybe she reminds me of someone I know. ;-)

2. Short Sleeve Midi Shirt Dress

I mentioned an Old Navy shirt dress a couple of weeks ago that I had ordered. It arrived and really didn't work for me. Since I refuse to pay shipping, I had thrown  this dress into my order to get free shipping and was surprised to find that I actually liked it a lot. It's flowy and comfortable without looking like your MawMaw's housedress. It's comes in blue and white also and is going to be great when the weather warms up. 

3. Sherpa Lined Blanket for March/April/And Possibly Even May - Dadgumit -Baseball Games

This was my general mood watching Drew and his team when they played what felt like a 17 inning scrimmage on Tuesday night in the freezing cold and relentless wind. 

My ever-reliable Orolay coat did the very best it could, but it needed some back-up. I found this black buffalo plaid sherpa lined blanket and ordered it yesterday because mama isn't playing around anymore. 

After 30 years of living in Northern Virginia and 18 of those years watching kids play baseball, the Texan in me is still delusional enough to think that all she needs is a sweatshirt for March games. No more. I'm counting on this blanket getting to me before the next game. It comes in lots of colors, so if you are someone who is equally committed to freezing your tail off while a bunch of kids throw or kick a ball around this "spring" you might find your team color available.

4. Harry's Fig Body Wash

Someone somewhere (and I can't remember who) mentioned this body wash recently saying that it smelled amazing. I picked it up because I was out of my go-to body wash and thought maybe I should try something new. I would have bet all of my money that a body wash that smelled like figs would not be great. Having said that, I have never once encountered a fig unless you count Fig Newtons, so what do I know? I love this stuff. I have no idea how to describe how it smells, but the description says "an energizing scent of fruits and spices". It's good and the guys in your life might like it, too.

5. Brian Hricik 


I had started out this post as I usually do with "Happy Friday"! But actually it feels weird to say "Happy Friday" today because it's a somber day for our family. So as you might or might not have noticed, I skipped the introduction today. 

This weekend we will be headed to a memorial service for Steve's cousin's husband who passed away a couple of weeks ago after a cruelly short battle with pancreatic cancer. He was diagnosed in late November and his family - a wife and three daughters - lost him in less than three months. Add this to the long list of things titled "I'M GONNA NEED TO HAVE A FEW WORDS WITH YOU, JESUS" that I will have in my back pocket when I arrive in heaven. 

No one looks forward to memorial services, but Kelly Corrigan says this and I could not agree more:

"Sitting in a service, taking in the stories of just one life - just another ordinary person- who they loved and who loved them . . .eulogies are about the most succinct source of clarity and direction I can think of. They help us to remember that there is a point to the pain. We have much to offer. We affect each other deeply and ordinary lives are really kind of exquisite when you look at them closely."

Even though I didn't know him as well as many of the folks who will come to honor and remember him this weekend did, I can say with certainty that Brian was a remarkable person. We didn't see each other often, but when we did he was always friendly, kind, engaging, and interesting and had what I found to be an exceptionally calm presence. This, as those of you who have large families might attest, was perhaps my favorite thing about him. 

Over the last twenty-ish years, we would find ourselves together at family weddings, anniversary and birthday parties, Christmas gatherings, and the like. On numerous 4th of July celebrations at Lake Anna there would be upwards of 30 people in attendance. Many of these attendees were of the miniature variety including three little wild animals that I had birthed. Whether I showed it outwardly or not, these big events often caused me no small measure of panic. I was continuously making a mental inventory of all of the children - being sure they all had on life jackets, were avoiding stepping on fishing lures, and wincing as I pictured their little pudgy feet slipping out from under them sending them tumbling head first into the splintery dock, or worse, into the murky, deep lake waters. 

If you thought that caused me anxiety, wait until the big cousins and uncles started shooting off fireworks. Lord, have mercy.

I'll tell you what always calmed me down: Brian. You see, he was a true blue hero type dude - the kind of guy they've made a zillion tv shows about. He was the Medical Services Deputy Chief at the Alexandria Fire Department where he began his EMS career over 25 years ago. He was skilled and knowledgeable and did I mention calm

I'm certain he could sense me making a mental note of where he was at all times during those days at the lake. Perhaps it was unnerving or annoying to him, but he never let on. The imagination of a mom can get away from her sometimes. Having Brian there - his skill, his knowledge, his willingness to answer all of my first aid or medical questions - held my worry in check. I knew if things went sideways, he would be on the hop. A real life superhero right there at the ready. Perhaps a little selfish of me and a bit too much pressure on a guy who was just trying to have a fun day off with his family, but I was able to relax a little and enjoy the celebration a bit more knowing that Brian was around.

I know there will be countless stories told about Brian this weekend by those who were far closer to him than I. But I will always be grateful for the gift he was to me when I was a young mama with an imagination that had the potential to spin her right out. He will be missed by so very many. 

If you are anywhere in Virginia near the route from Alexandria to Vienna this Saturday and have to deal with road blocks or pull over to the shoulder for a bit, know that the life of the man being honored in your midst is more than worthy of the disruption to your time. And then if you could, please send up a prayer for his wife, Cindy, his daughters, Madison, Kaitlyn and Anna, and his many friends and family members.

Have a blessed weekend, friends.

Disclosure: The View From Behind Home Plate is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means to earn small fees by linking to Post might contain other affiliate links as well. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jenn, I have missed your posts. Hoping everything is ok with you.

Debbie W.