Friday, January 19, 2024

5 Friday Favorites: January 19, 2024

It's time for my Friday link up with  A Little Bit of Everything and Momfessionals

On Fridays I share things that made me happy from the week - a photo, a song, a quote, a beauty product, a recipe, a pair of cute shoes, etc. If it's a product, sometimes it's something I actually own and sometimes something I just saw online that gave me a smile. Sometimes it's serious and sometimes it's silly. I suppose I believe that God is in the simple details of life and yes, I can even find Him in a tube of lipstick

Good morning. It's snowing like crazy here and I actually love it. Everything looks so pretty and peaceful. Pretty and peaceful is a vibe I'm into right now.

Here are some other favorite things from this week.

1. Dream Pairs Mid Calf Snow Boots

I bought these snow boots a few years ago and they have come in handy this week as we've had quite a few snow days. They come in lots of colors and are super comfortable.

2. Under Pressure: The Women's World Cup Soccer Team

It appears that I'm on a soccer kick. . .ha.  . .get it? Last week was Beckham and this week was Under Pressure about the Women's National Team's effort to win the 2023 World Cup. I was a little preoccupied last summer and really didn't watch the World Cup. I do remember them getting blasted in the press for not performing as usual. I'm looking forward to watching many of these athletes compete in the Olympics this year. They're all so talented - whether they win or not - they're fun to watch. I've said it before and I'll say it again, "I LOVE THE SPORTS."

3. Chocolate Peppermint Cashew Milk

Pretty much every weekend if Steve and I work out together we hit the Greenheart Juice Shop in Aldie, Virginia afterwards. If you are local you should absolutely visit one of their locations for acai bowls, smoothies, juices and my new discovery, Cashew Milk. Last week was my birthday so I thought instead of hitting the Chick Fil A for a milkshake and throwing myself into a lactose intolerant hell-hole, I would treat myself to the Chocolate Peppermint Cashew Milk. I have little to zero idea what most of these ingredients do to benefit you or if there is any benefit at all. Don't ask me what makes a cashew "activated". In any event, there was no hell-hold situation after I drank it and it was truly delicious. Two thumbs up from me. 

4.  Pill Organizer

Insert sad trombone playing. Well, friends. We have come to the portion of Friday Favorites which we call "Maw-Maw's Favorites". We have been pushing my dad to get one of these pill boxes to manage his medications for awhile to be sure he remembers to take them correctly. He was really resistant for awhile and it was frustrating me. Then the other night as I was trying to remember if I had taken my Vitamin D and/or my Calcium and/or my Nutrafol hair strengthening BS pills or not, I said to myself: 

So, it is what it is. I officially became a person in her mid-50s last week and perimenopause brain fog is a real thing. But LOOK HOW CUTE my pill organizer is! All colorful and bright! Insert another sad trombone.

5. The Gift of Flowers (and a true blue friendship) in the Winter

It was my birthday last week. The first without my mom to call and sing to me and tell me about the day I was born - how I had so much dark hair and the cutest little nose. I guess there are only a few of these "first without my mom" days coming. I'm sure I'll mention all of them here. Apologies from Debbie Downer. 

January birthdays are more often than not, rather gloomy and grey and cold. This one was, too. Which is fine. I've been tired from all the activity and travel of the last month. Anyway, I had told Steve that all I wanted for my birthday was to make zero decisions. So he made great decisions for me for the entire weekend. We went shopping and to dinner and even saw a movie at the actual theater which I haven't done in forever. It was great. 

One of my favorite things though was when the doorbell rang and I was delivered the most beautiful bouquet of flowers. I usually never get flowers except from my mom. My sweet friend, Mindy, who is a brand new friend sent me the most beautiful bouquet of orange and white flowers. (She's a Longhorn nut job fan just like me). And that little gesture just took me out. It made me cry and laugh all at the same time. 

I'm not a great gift giver. I overthink gifts and end up paralyzed by options. Mindy, I have found in the short time I've known her, is a 5 Star Gift Giver. Even more, she is a 5 Star Friend. So pro tip: don't overthink it. Especially in the middle of a grey winter, when in doubt, send flowers. And if they're orange and white? Even better.

Blessings and warmth to you this weekend!

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1 comment:

Tanya said...

Those flowers are just beautiful! What a treasure to find a new friend who is so thoughtful. Happy belated birthday. I know it is hard without your mother. My mom has been gone for 9 years, and it is still tough sometimes.