Friday, November 15, 2019

5 Friday Favorites: November 15, 2019

Happy Friday, Friends!

It's time for my Friday link up with A Little Bit of EverythingGrace and Love, and Momfessionals

On Fridays I share things that made me happy from the week - a photo, a song, a quote or Bible verse, a beauty product, a recipe, a pair of cute shoes, etc. If it's a product, sometimes it's something I actually own and sometimes something I just saw online that gave me a smile. Sometimes it's serious and sometimes it's silly. I suppose I believe that God is in the simple details of life and yes, I can even find Him in a tube of lipstick.

1. Aldi Three Wick Candles

I've mentioned before that I love candles and get so frustrated when they smell good in the store, but when you get them home and lit, there is no scent at all. I came to realize that the best candles are unfortunately, the most expensive ones. The best I have found are this one that costs $33.00 and these that range from $22.00 to $25.00ish.

That was until I found Hungington Home candles at Aldi for only $3.99.


One warning. The Maple Pumpkin seemed like a great idea for fall. However, after burning it for a little while, I can tell you that the maple scent is super strong. Now, this might be great for you. Perhaps it will harken back memories of making pancakes on Saturday morning with your grandma. For me, it makes me remember those times when I was teaching elementary school and my sweet fourth graders had skipped the teeth-brushing portion of the morning. They always seems to smell like syrup. This was especially difficult the year that I was pregnant.

Apparently, now i have a Pavlovian response to that smell. So, if you are completely happy with your house smelling like an IHOP, go for it. If not, maybe choose a different scent.

2. Sinners Like Me 
Eric Church

We are going to the Eric Church concert tonight and I cannot wait. I have never described myself as a big country music fan, but Eric Church is a whole thing all by himself. I'm pretty sure that if you don't like Eric Church I need you to check your pulse. Sinners Like Me is one of my favorite songs by him and I'm crossing my fingers that he'll sing it.

3. Target Red & White Striped PJS

I think pjs are a great gift since sizing is easier to figure out as they don't have to fit exactly the same on everyone. I'm not quite ready to shop for Christmas, but I was in Target this week and apparently they have decided it's time. Living with Landyn mentioned these adorable pjs recently and they are really so cute for Christmas morning or any morning leading up to or after the birth of the Savior. There are a ton of other reasonably priced options for pjs at Target, but unfortunately I think they'll go pretty fast because the retail industry will not give us one stinkin' minute to enjoy our turkey. HEY, YOU GUYS:

4. To Kill a Mockingbird

No matter how many books I read in my lifetime To Kill a Mockingbird will forever claim the top spot of my best ever list. I found out recently that my husband hasn't read it which caused me to reevaluate our entire union. We are less than two months away from our 25th anniversary and we had a good thing going, but if he doesn't read this book, I might need to call the whole thing off. To be fair, I've never seen M*A*S*H or Star Wars which causes him equal disdain, so maybe we'll call it a wash. The saving grace might be that just this week it was assigned for Drew to read for Freshman English, so I do believe it's time for a family book club. Drew is going to be so excited. I can't even imagine the glee he'll feel. I am already creating discussion questions. 

5. Ryan Zimmerman Print

I saw this amazingly cool print by Art of Words on Twitter this week. I'm telling you I cannot think of a better gift for your favorite Nats fan. Especially those who have been with the team from the beginning like our very own Ryan Zimmerman. The print depicts Zimmerman's now famous reaction when he realized he just became a World Series champion. The entire thing is created by using words that include the date, opponent, and scores from every game in the 2019 season. I mean. Can you even? I can't.

Bonus: My Women's Bible Study Group

I recently heard an interview where a woman said this: "Pain shared is pain divided." I cannot think of a better way to describe my Tuesday Morning Bible Study group. I would also say that joy shared is joy multiplied. We came to the end of our study this week and celebrated with a brunch at my house. I had seventeen women holding hands and praying grace around the island in my kitchen and I desperately wish that I had a photo. We have women in all stages of life and I just can't get over how blessed I am to have them all in my life. I have learned from them. I have cried with them. I have clapped and laughed and celebrated with them. We have prayed for small things and big things and learned so much about Jesus. I hope that you have a group like this. If you don't, I urge you to find one or email me at I've got one for you. We start up again in January. There is always more room at our table for you. 

Have a great weekend!

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1 comment:

Terra Heck said...

That's a great price on the candles. I'll have to see if our Aldi's carries them. I belong to a Life Group that does bible study and life together. It's been together for over 4 years and it's been amazing both during the good times and bad.