Friday, November 8, 2019

5 Friday Favorites: November 8, 2019

Happy Friday, Friends!

It's time for my Friday link up with A Little Bit of EverythingGrace and Love, and Momfessionals

On Fridays I share things that made me happy from the week - a photo, a song, a quote or Bible verse, a beauty product, a recipe, a pair of cute shoes, etc. If it's a product, sometimes it's something I actually own and sometimes something I just saw online that gave me a smile. Sometimes it's serious and sometimes it's silly. I suppose I believe that God is in the simple details of life and yes, I can even find Him in a tube of lipstick.

1. Dark Chocolate & Sea Salt Superfoods Granola

I went to Aldi for the first time in my life a few weeks ago because I follow Amanda Wilson on Instagram. She offers lots of tips of healthy eating and exercise without getting on my nerves. She often shops at Aldi and she mentioned this Dark Chocolate & Sea Salt Superfoods Granola that she got there one day. If the angels eat granola, this is what they eat. (Actually, I bet they don't because I'm counting on it being all chips and queso all the time up there.)  Still, this is angel-worthy granola. It is so good. If you don't have an Aldi, you can get it here.

2. Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption
by Bryan Stevenson

I finished The Dearly Beloved by Cara Wells last weekend and I highly recommend it. I started Just Mercy this week. I have heard of this book countless times on podcasts and through recommendations of friends. Then I noticed that Michael B. Jordan (Friday Night Lights, Parenthood, Creed!) will be starring in a film based on the book soon. I am barely into the book, but I know it will be thought-provoking, eye-opening, and likely heartbreaking. 

3. Schitt's Creek

Steve and Drew were away last Friday night, so I spent a glorious time all by myself. I finished watching the 4th season of Schitt's Creek and I adored it. The show and its characters are so ridiculous, but I love them so much that I even found myself crying during the season finale. There are many great characters, but my very favorite is Moira. Whoever writes her lines is a genius. And now forevermore if anyone in my presence ever overreacts or becomes ridiculously dramatic, I will automatically respond with this:

Also, since the internet is spying on me, an ad for this welcome mat came up on my facebook page the other day. If you have a Schitt's Creek fan in your life, your Christmas shopping is done. You're welcome.

4. Allison Holker and/or Sir Twitch A lot on InstaGram

Recently I stumbled on Allison Holker's Instagram page and wasted about 30 minutes looking at all of her dance videos. I had no idea who she was, but after I used my Nancy Drew skills (aka:Google) I realized she was on Dancing with the Stars for awhile, she danced in High School Musical 2, is married to Stephen "Twitch" Boss - the guy who is Ellen's DJ - and some other impressive stuff. Anyway, I just know that her dance routines with her husband make me deliriously happy. Not to mention the fact that Girlfriend is 9 months pregnant in almost all of them. And now that I follow her (aka: we're besties!) I can announce that she had a baby girl this week and named her Zaia and she weighed 9 lbs 3 oz. and she was 21 inches long. And I can also announce that I had two writing deadlines looming when I found out all of this information because I am very skilled at procrastination. Anyway, if you are having a slow day, a bad day, a fine day, or a super busy day that you want to completely ignore, take a look. You won't be sorry.

5. Little Man is 15

This little bitty boy steamrolled into our lives guns blazing 15 years ago today. His entire being can light up a room and he has lit us up from day one. He has increased the blessings and the gratitude and the noise and the exhaustion in our house in immeasurable ways and we love him with our entire hearts. Happy Birthday to you, Drew. Thank you for making our family complete.

Have a happy weekend, Friends!

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