Friday, August 24, 2018

5 Friday Favorites: End of Summer Edition 8/24/18

Happy Friday, Friends. 

It's time for my Friday link up with A Little Bit of EverythingGrace and Love, and Momfessionals

On Fridays I share things that made me happy from the week - a photo, a song, a quote, a beauty product, a recipe, a pair of cute shoes, etc. If it's a product, sometimes it's something I actually own and sometimes something I just saw online that gave me a smile. Sometimes it's serious and sometimes it's silly. I suppose I believe that God is in the simple details of life and yes, I can even find Him in a tube of lipstick! 

Well, I'm sitting here writing this on Thursday evening. Today was the first day of school for us and I imagined cleaning my house right quick and then being the most productive woman alive in the midst of the quiet, lemony-freshness of it all. 

This is how my brain usually works on the first day of school because I imagine that with all the kids out of the house I will write a best selling book in less than a week, I will run six miles a day, and I will have meals prepped for an entire week. 

Unfortunately, what happened was that I was out walking with Drew to the bus stop for the first day of 8th grade (I'm only allowed to go halfway there, by the way) and thought I had plenty of time to get back home to see Kyle off for the first day of his senior year.  As I was walking back, Kyle came driving by in his car causing me no small measure of panic. He rolled down the window and told me he was leaving early to go to a friend's house with a big group for a senior breakfast and picture-taking. Apparently, he forgot to mention this to me.

He reached through the window and gave me a high five, as one does, of course, when his mother looks like she's going to burst into tears right in the middle of the street in front of God and all members of the HOA. I handled it fine and told him to have a great time with his friends because this was a special time for them. I mean who cares that I didn't get to get the First Day of School picture FOR THE LAST TIME EVER. It's not about me, it's about him. I'm totally fine about it.

Anyway, I walked back home like a normal person just out walking her dog and then when I got inside it was pretty much your basic Thursday morning.

Ok. Let's proceed as if I'm mentally sound and list some things from the week that didn't make me cry my ever-lovin' head off. Here are some of my favorite things from this week.

1. Discerning the Voice of God
Priscillia Shirer

We will be studying Priscilla Shirer's Discerning the Voice of God this fall at my church and I'm excited to be co-leading the morning session on Tuesdays. Listening for God's guidance can be difficult and frustrating and sometimes I think we assume that only a few devout people can hear Him. I don't think that's true at all. I think He speaks to all of us. Priscilla Shirer is a gifted Bible teacher and I can't wait to do this study. If you're in my area and interested in joining us, you can register here.

2. The West Wing

Besides Friday Night Lights OF COURSE, The West Wing was one of my favorite series ever. Steve and I watched it back in the old days of yore when you had to wait an entire week to see the next episode. I know, it's shocking that we even had electricity back then. Joe and I finished the first season the night before he left for college and I'd forgotten how amazing it was. There is no one who writes dialogue like Aaron Sorkin. I'm hooked again.

3. Desperate Man by Eric Church

For many years, I would have told you that I was not a big country music fan. I think in reality I didn't want to feed the stereotype that all Texans were rifle carrying, truck driving, 10 gallon hat wearing, country music fanatics. And that is the dumbest thing ever because I love and adore a whole lot of people who fit that description. Still, I don't listen to a lot of country music, but my husband - a man who was born in West Point, New York - drives a truck, owns a gun or two, and has me listening to Eric Church this summer. This new song, Desperate Man, is my jam. Such a great song.

4. Depway Romper

I must have seen this romper from Depway a zillion times on Facebook ads before I lost all willpower and bought it. I had never heard of Depway and frankly some of these random retailers turn out some pretty low quality stuff, so I did not have high expectations. It is actually really cute in real life and the fabric- although it is thin - is better than I expected. I haven't worn it yet because I'm still unsure if I can pull it off, but we have a little party to go to this weekend so I might give it a shot. Bonus: it's only $31.99 right now.

5. Gorjana Bespoke Collection Bracelet

Last month we lost our friend, Cindy, to a brain tumor she had fought for fourteen years. Our little community was wrecked and I wrote some words about Cindy and her friends here. I wrote that God had reminded me in the midst of so much pain, that our heartache, grief, and sorrow only came because love came first. Last week, as we were packing up the truck to take Joe back to school early Saturday morning, I got a message from a dear friend that there was a little gift for me in my mail box.  What I found was this beautiful bracelet by Gorjana engraved with the words "Love Came First." More than that perfectly lovely gift, I found once again that I am stunned by the grace and favor that the Lord has shown me in blessing me with such thoughtful, compassionate, and giving women in my life. This is absolutely undeserved grace, but I sure am grateful.

BONUS: First Day Photos
Drew-8th Grade

Also, my favorite thing ever would be my boys on the first day of school. Thanks to my friend, Lynette, who made her way over to take present day photos of Kyle so that I would have something to look at besides this Kindergarten one. I had to zoom in and find him behind the bushes and then crop out some people to get to his face, but it was worth it because I sure do love that face.

Also, just a little prayer request today. The first day of school is one of my favorite days on Social Media, but I know for a fact that for many it is the absolute worst day. My friends who have lost their children are punched in the gut by it. It's hard to watch folks show off (and even whine about - I'm looking at myself) the way their kids are growing up and heading into the future. This morning I am praying for those parents who would give anything to be crying in their coffee because their kids are growing up. There are not enough tears to shed for those children who remain forever four or ten or thirteen years old. Celebrate your kids. Feel your feelings. They are yours and they are valid. Then shoot up a prayer of gratitude and pray for peace for grieving moms and dads and grandmas and grandpas, too.

Have a blessed weekend.

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1 comment:

R's Rue said...
