Friday, October 11, 2024

5 Friday Favorites: October 11, 2024


It's time for my Friday link up with  A Little Bit of Everything and Momfessionals

On Fridays I share things that made me happy from the week - a photo, a song, a quote, a beauty product, a recipe, a pair of cute shoes, etc. If it's a product, sometimes it's something I actually own and sometimes something I just saw online that gave me a smile. Sometimes it's serious and sometimes it's silly. I suppose I believe that God is in the simple details of life and yes, I can even find Him in a tube of lipstick.

Hello! Happy Friday! I missed last week because I was reunion-ing with some of my besties from high school. We had the best time at beautiful Lake Martin in Alabama. My cheeks hurt from laughing and the number of photos I took where my mouth is wide open because I talked the whole time is more than I can count. We were cheerleaders in high school so we dubbed ourselves the Rusty Pom-poms even though we fell all over ourselves to tell one another how fabulous we all looked. True, long-lasting friendship requires a multitude of flattery and compliments. Always tell the truth, but also stretch it if you must. (For the record, I honestly think my friends are the most beautiful people on the planet and all look like super models. No cap, as the kids say.)

Here are some favorite things from the week, most brought to you by my super-model besties.

1. Kitsch Satin Pillowcase

The Rusty Pom-poms are trying to preserve the faces we had in 1987. We are using all manner of methods. I brought each one of us one of these Kitsch Satin Pillowcases because the Google tells us that satin pillowcases help reduce friction and moisture absorption while you sleep. This apparently results in a lack of wrinkles and hair breakage. Does this sound like a full load of BS? Of course it does. We do not care. Bring us the magic pillowcase.

2. Peepers Reading Glasses

None of us can see a darn thing. We were constantly sharing readers. My eyesight is the absolute worst of the group. Here's a tip I learned from our world class hostess with the mostest, Lori. If you are hosting a group of individuals over the age of 40, should you pass around lovely platters of charcuterie and pimento cheese, chicken salad and olive/cream cheese tea sandwiches for your guests? Yes, you should because they are hungry. Should you also pass out a multi-pak of Peepers readers from which each guest can choose his or her favorite frames? Yes, you should because they are both hungry and blind. Hospitality at its finest, my friends.

I now have two pairs of these fabulous reading glasses because I had also recently purchased the  Take a Bow Peepers in Chai Tortoise Green . They are adorable and being able to see is simply icing on the cake.

3. Waterproof Mesh Zippered Bags

I don't know how the young-uns these days seem to travel around with their one credit card, ID, and phone in a tiny, itty-bitty wallet around their tiny, itty-bitty wrists. I can't seem to live without a giant tote bag. I've got too many things. The problem is that I just throw all of those things in said giant tote bag and end up rummaging around for an Advil like Mary Poppins in her magic bag.

Enter these mesh bags that come in different sizes. I will use these to hold sunglasses, medicines, hair products/ties/clips, snacks, gum, extra contacts and anything else I plan to throw in my tote when I travel. They are waterproof so you can use them in your beach bag to hold various sunscreens, lip glosses, phones and kindles that you need to keep dry when you're at the beach, lake or pool. If you are a young mom whose kids still play with Legos, you can put them all in one bag so that you don't step on any of those agents of the devil and shout words that harm your little children's ears and risk your salvation. The possibilities are endless. 

4. The Chosen

Y'all. Ok, the Rusty Pom-poms and I did not watch The Chosen last weekend. Too much talking, dancing and recreating our cheers from the 80s to do so. However, Steve and I started watching it last week. I acknowledge that we are ridiculously late to this series. Honestly, I just expected it to be cheesy and didn't think the acting would be great. Father, forgive me for I knew not what I was talking about. I am blown away how much I love this series. I have cried multiple times and I get giddy with excitement when I know that a miracle is coming. It can be annoying for the husband.


Needless to say, I'm am geeking out on the whole thing. Also, Peter has long been my favorite disciple for a myriad of reasons: his impulsivity, his passion, his fumbling over himself all the darn time. He has endeared himself to me over the many years I have studied the Bible. The creators of this show could not have more perfectly cast him here. And, I don't think I'm allowed to say this, but I find him very attractive. I have a massive crush on him. Is it inappropriate to swoon over St. Peter the Apostle? Highly likely. I suppose the Lord and I will deal with this when I get to heaven. 

5. The Rusty Pom-poms,  Old Long time Friendship, in general & Alabama Sunsets

I can't get over how blessed I feel to be able to get together with friends I've known since I was ten years old and feel like no time has passed. We were missing one of our group, but we kept her up to date with a zillion and one photos. These friends see the good and the bad, the successes and the challenges, the pain and the joy. And they love so well.

We all know that at the end of the day we will never feel alone because we worship a God who sees us, knows us and loves us exactly as we are. But it sure is a gift when He allows His people to be His hands, His feet, His eyes and His ears right here in the middle of this broken world. And even more of a gift when they are obedient to that call.

All of my friends have been or are going through it - "it" being all manner of joy and challenge, of love and of loss. Of course, we are. "It" cannot be escaped. 

"In this world you will have trouble," my Savior said in the gospel of John. But we take heart. Because He overcomes the world. But that's not the only reason I take heart. I also take heart because He sent me the most beautiful humans, who - even when we aren't physically together for years on end - see me, know me, and love me. And they have done this for a long, long time. 

I left the weekend knowing in the deepest part of my heart that they will continue to do so for all of my days. And for all of those days we will make some time to laugh our butts off through it all.

Thanks be to God for this indescribable gift.

PS Nice work on the Alabama sunsets and sunrises, God. Well done.

Have a blessed weekend. Hook Em Horns and if any of my Longhorn brethern are at the Red River Rivalry this weekend have a Fletcher's Corny Dog for me!

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