Friday, May 16, 2014

When the Moments Move Too Fast

It's one of those days, people.  Or weeks.  Or months.  The moments are moving too fast.  They are slipping away and I am caught trying to stretch them out and make each one longer than 60 seconds.  Can we not add some seconds to the minutes?  I read some where from someone that May is crazier than December.  And then some where else something along the lines of "Why is May trying to kill me?"

Waa. Waa.  I know.

Anyway, when that happens I start feeling like I'm not enough.  I start feeling like everyone else is doing it better than I am.  I start getting defensive and getting my feelings hurt and feeling like I'm a disappointment.  And sometimes I just want to throw in the towel and bundle up under the covers and watch Grey's Anatomy because the fear of failing or even the fear of just coming up short becomes overwhelming.  And it usually follows that those days also happen to be bad hair days or what in the world am I going to wear today days.  And then I become just a spineless clod of grievances.

So that's when I search for some words that I saved from Glennon of Momastary:

And I also wanted to say that if you're blue but afraid to admit it because you're supposed to be grateful for what you have all the time since there are so many with less - listen. I hope you know I'm all for gratitude. Good stuff. But- sadness is not a "first world problem." It's just part of the human experience. And we are all blessed/cursed with the ENTIRE human experience no matter where we live or what we have or don't have. So please don't tell yourself you can't be sad because someone somewhere is probably sadder unless you're also going to refuse to allow yourself to be happy because somebody somewhere might be happier.

And then I realize that we're all pretty much the same.  And we're all doing the best we can.  And we're all JUST FINE even if we're feeling blue, or inadequate or tired.  And we just need to take a breath and realize that we are all God wants us to be in this moment at this time.  We need to remember that we are enough to Him.  And He can give us every last thing we need to be what He wants us to be in our marriages and in our families; in our neighborhoods and in our world.

And just to be sure that I remember that today, I am going to watch this one or seven times before I crawl out from under the covers.  Even though it's not Mother's Day anymore.  Maybe you should watch it, too.  You're enough.  Now, go get after it.

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